Gehlenite Healing Crystals



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Gehlenite Healing Stones, Healing Crystals




This stone heightens the awareness of nature and the natural rhythms of Earth. It aids concentration and soothes the nerves as it has very good nurturing and calming qualities

We have suppliers for this item, please email us with specifics and a price range and we will get back to you with current choices available

Gehlenite Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Gehlenite Essential Oils


Gehlenite Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Gehlenite Gem Essence

Gehlenite Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

Gehlenite Gem Elixir

Healing Stones, Healing Crystals Home Page