Milky White Calcite Healing Crystals



Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals


Calcite Healing Crystals


Milky White or Creamy Calcite Healing Crystals


Milky White or Creamy Calcite Healing Crystals

White calcite - The energy stimulates feelings of peace and love, for the whole universe, plus it gives a sense of protectiveness.  White Calcite amplifies and cleanses energy from the environment. White Calcite restores motivation and accelerates growth and development. White Calcite raises consciousness, links to higher spiritual states and awakens psychic abilities.  White Calcite absorbs energy and returns it to the sender having transmuted and amplified it.  White Calcite cleanses the auric field and chakras, and is the stone of new beginnings.  White Calcite helps dissolve pain and lower blood pressure. White Calcite harmonizes the bodies ability to assimilate calcium.  White Calcite is a powerful detoxifier and acts as an antiseptic.  White Calcite is useful for past life healing situations.

White Calcite Pyramid

White Calcite Pyramid

2 Inch


White Calcite Pyramid


White Calcite Tumbled Stones

White Calcite Tumbled Stones


$5.00 Each

White Calcite Polished Stones

$40.00 Per Half Pound

White Calcite Polished Stones

$57.00 Per Pound

White Calcite Polished Stones




White Calcite Rough

Rough White Calcite Crystals from Mexico. Approx. .75" long. 3-pack for $25



Stellar Beam Calcite Clusters

Stellar Beam Calcite Clusters

(All But Small Size)

Stimulates the third eye and crown chakra while aligning the solar plexus with Divine Will.  It facilitates clairvoyance and aids in the Ascension process.


Small  Points $40.00 

Stellar Beam Calcite Points

Small Clusters $50.00 

Stellar Beam Calcite Clusters

Medium Clusters $60.00 

Stellar Beam Calcite Clusters

Large Clusters $70.00 

Stellar Beam Calcite Clusters

Extra Large Clusters $80.00 

Stellar Beam Calcite Clusters

White Calcite Essential Oils

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$39.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

White Calcite Essential Oils

Crystals, Minerals & Stone Elixirs, Essences and Essential Oils

White Calcite Gem Essence

1/2 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$29.95  Made in USA

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

White Calcite Gem Essence

White Calcite Gem Elixir

1 Ounce Bottle With Dropper

$45.00  Imported

(May contain Brandy as a preservative, let us know if you want a substitute)

White Calcite Gem Elixir


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