Chakra Healing Stones and Uses

1st (Root or Base) Chakra


1st chakra stone. Grounding and protective. Comforting in times of grief. Promotes forgiveness. Helps one channel ones spirit guides. Helps dispel negative energies. Good to place above your door or in the corners of your home or office.

Balances the male / female energies. Enhances creativity and motivation. Balances all bodies. Gently opens the base chakra. Aids one to bridge the 2nd chakra to the heart chakra, bringing love and intimacy together.

Enhances expressiveness, intelligence and perception. Thought to be a magic stone by the Mayan and Aztec cultures. Used in the treatment of disorders of the reproductive organs.

A stone of prosperity and productivity. A stone of health. Aids in romantic love and passion. Helps with past life regressions, career success and self confidence.

Helps memory enhancement. Calming. Grounding. Helps one see that the only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves. Helps bring balance between the body, mind and spirit. Transforms negativity to universal light. Stimulates peace, self control and inner happiness. Good for blood disorders, insomnia and spinal alignment.

Aligns the 1st chakra. Raises the kundalini. Protects against illness. Decreases depression. Helps one accept change.

Aligns chakras. Used to dispel grief, fear, anger and attachment. Brings tenacity, durability and endurance to the user. A stone of stability. Can be used to attract love and to aid with activities of manifestation.

A very good grounding and protective stone. Being Volcanic glass, it can help one get in touch with earth energies and those deep emotions bubbling within us that need to be released before they explode.

Provides strength in times of need. Provides vitality to ones life work or fulfillment of ones aspirations. Eliminates energy blocks and relieves tension. Grounding. Balances first chakra. Shamans tool.

Brings love and light to ones life, allowing for the recognition of the spiritual side of ones nature. It's also used for "gazing", especially in the area of love matters and relationships. Grounding. Protective.

Brings purity and balance to the body, mind, and soul. Assists with meditation. Helps one identify unwanted behaviors. Grounding. Protective. Helps clear negativity.

Transforms negative emotions and negative energy patterns. Grounding. Protective. Good to use during meditation as it helps you relax and open while staying grounded. Stone of cooperation. Good for groups. Helps relieve fluid retention.

Diminishes fear by promoting understanding. Encourages self confidence. Clears, maintains and stimulates each of the chakras. Has been a shaman tool among many different tribes. Brings healing powers to the user. Provides protection from danger occurring on the physical plane.

Aids with intuition, releasing fear and allowing ones personal power to come into ones body. Provides enthusiasm for life. Helps one to see the inter-connectedness of all things. Helps the ego to release the idea of being separate. Calming. Grounding.

Enables one to slow down. Slows the 3rd chakra and flushes excess energy out. Soothing and calming. Balances the yin-yang. Supports the 1st and 2nd chakra.

Combines the energy of the sun and the earth. Peaceful. Helps one seeking clarity. Helps with intuition. Supports the 3rd chakra. Releases introversion and fear. Stimulates wealth. Used in treatment of disorders of the eye, throat, reproductive system and intestines. Helps night vision and spinal alignment.

(Tiger Eye, Red Jasper and Black Hematite)
Assists in creative endeavors. Helps one find refuge when danger is perceived. Stimulates physical vitality, strengthens muscles and aids with red and white blood cell production. Grounding.


2nd (Sacral) Chakra

Supports chakras 1,2,3, and 4. Great stone for women. Increases personal power, physical energy, creativity, and compassion. Helps menstrual cramps go away. A gentle stone.

Increases personal power. Dispels fears. Provides a protective shield. Helps one stay on their path towards enlightenment. Helps bring passion and life to endeavors.

A stone of prosperity and productivity. A stone of health. Aids in romantic love and passion. Helps with past life regressions, career success and self confidence.

Balances all chakras. Helps one get along with the same sex. Helps one feel comfortable with ones sexuality. Grounding. Overall balancer. Supports the 2nd chakra.

A good dream stone, helps one remember them. Prevents "set backs" in disorders. Protective. Shielding. Keeps away all forms of negative vibrations and can allay physical danger.

Increases intuition and insight. Brings happy energy into its environment. Has been known to assist with pms and menopause. A great stone for women. Helps one happily accept changes to ones body.

Eliminates worries of little importance. "Change what you can and don't worry about the rest". Grounding. Helps provide access to past lives. Helps one see why a trauma or disease has occurred; helps one get the lesson. Helps with atrophy. A stone of transformation.

Master of the subconscious mind. Provides clarity to inner sight. Good for artists. Helps with creativity. Reduces anxiety and stress. Used in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Promotes weight loss.

3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra

Strengthens and oxygenates the bloodstream. Enhances physical and mental vitality. Strengthens heart, spleen and bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron deficiencies. Reduces emotional and physical stress. A powerful physical healer.

An energy amplifier. Helps the body to remember the state of perfection while experiencing disease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness. Treats disorders of the kidneys, pancreas and spleen. A balancing agent for the assimilation of calcium in the body.

Dissipates and transmutes negativity. Does not "take on" negative energies. Helps increase income. Aligns chakras with the ethereal plane. Opens and balances the third chakra. Helps one to release fear. Brings happiness. Brightens ones life. Clears the aura. Aids digestion and balances the thyroid.

Helps provide insight to help combat trickery and illusion. Enhances solar plexus chakra. Helps one to become totally open to another. A great stone to use during meditation and during advancement toward spirituality. Dispels introversion. Enhances creativity. Helps increase flexibility in the mental, emotional and physical bodies.

Especially good for the third chakra. Gives comfort during grief. Helps create a safe journey during astral travel. Stabilizes energy level. Cleanses the aura.

Said to contain the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Helps one see the beauty of the soul.

A great stone to hold if you have a cold. Supports the 3rd chakra. Helps one to release judgments and self criticism.

Used to clear and energize the chakras. Dispels fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Represents the sun god. Protects one from the forces of other realms. Good for sore throats. Helps reduce ulcers and cartilage problems.


4th (Heart) Chakra

Activates, clears and protects the heart chakra. Helps one to release fears and anxiety. Calming and soothing. Helps one open their heart Helps you stay in your heart.

Activates, opens, and energizes the heart chakra. Facilitates deep meditative states. Helps heal a broken heart. Reduces superiority or inferiority complexes. A gentle stone.

The love stone. Opens the 4th chakra. Eliminates negativity. Brings in harmony. Enhances dreams and spiritual insight. Helps one open to unconditional love of self and others.

Increases personal power. Dispels fears. Provides a protective shield. Helps one stay on their path towards enlightenment. Helps bring passion and life to endeavors.

Good for all chakras. Purifies, cleanses and eliminates that which is in disorder. Excellent aura cleanser. Protects against cording. Good stone for students. Excellent in reducing inflammation and fevers.

Aids with meditation, helps you access information. Enhances knowledge and right action in the field of holistic healing. Helps one to pick the correct herbal and holistic remedies. Used in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Increases the flexibility of muscles.

Brings peace. Helps dissolve self limitations. Dream stone. Teaches tranquility, serenity and to live in balance. Very versatile stone. Thought to be a stone of good luck, prosperity and good health.

Transformation stone. Clears and activates all chakras. Excellent for releasing negativity. Helps one recognize the reasons for an illness or disease. Very intense physical healer.

Helps with obtaining what is needed. Stimulates intuition. Alleviates emotional tension. Very gently opens the heart. Allows the "motherly love" of the universe into ones being.

A strong physical healer. Emotional balancer. Helps one improve their self esteem. Calms high energy people. Helps the body eliminate toxins. Brings in the healing energies of the earth.

Emits a warm and friendly energy. Used to cleanse and stimulate the heart chakra. Provides a shield of protection around the body. A regenerative stone for the body.

The stone of love and balance. Removes tendencies toward avoidance and denial. Gently and quickly balances the emotions. Encourages the optimum state of health.

Balances the yin-yang. Calming. A stone of love, it activates and energizes the heart chakra. Helps one be unconditional in their love. Dispels anxiety. Used in the treatment of arthritis, emphysema, and throat infections.

Removes negativity from all chakras. Encourages unconditional love for ones self and others. Great for healing emotional wounds. Attracts love into ones life. Clears anger, fear and guilt. Helps get you in your heart.

Stimulates the heart chakra. Brings spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge and wealth. An excellent protective stone. Encourages one to follow bliss.

Enhances communication with higher self. Helps one understand ones journey during astral travel. Increases clairvoyance. Stimulates the immune system.

Reduces aimlessness, vanity and conceit. Helps gently open the heart chakra. Aids in tissue restructuring after a heart attack.

Stimulates the crown and heart chakras, bringing together love and spirituality. Promotes joy and peace during periods of change. Helps one trust in the power of love. Releases destructive tendencies.

Balances emotions and spirituality. Helps one release conditions which have been inhibiting ones growth. Helps one identify the cause of an illness. A good heart stone. Helpful during pregnancy.

Helps one get messages and energy from the etheric plane. Calming. Very gentle yet powerful. Helps sooth a broken heart. Helps one understand the importance of unconditional love . Helps one see that being in ones heart, and having love for ones self, really is the key to making your life flow easily on its path.

5th (Throat) Chakra


A stone of courage. Acts as a shield for the aura and subtle bodies. Helps one attune to more spiritual levels of awareness. Supports the throat chakra, helping with communicating ones true feelings.

6th chakra stone. Aids in development of psychic abilities. Also works with heart and base chakras to help see the good within ones self and others

Can help to integrate and balance the emotional, intellectual, physical and etheric bodies. Stimulates clairvoyance. Good for past life insights. Has a happy, light energy.

Balances the energy of the body, mind and spirit. Encourages brotherhood among all. Symbolizes benevolence and good will. Alleviates hostility, irritability and melancholy. Enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity.

Enhances flexibility and softens stubbornness. Helps cool a hot temper. Soothes the emotions. Gently opens the throat chakra. Helps aid with communication.

Stimulates the throat chakra to help one clearly verbalize what they want and need in their lives. Helps one speak their truth, clearly and openly. Helps one speak of their spirituality and of clairvoyant messages.

Stone of balance. Promotes a pleasant disposition. Provides access to, and transfer of, information from the pure angelic realms. Contains an innate wisdom that is accessible to the user. Helps one see the difference between want and need. Brings hope in times of despair, bringing calmness and harmony to ones life. Dismisses worry. Great for the quest of bliss. Great healing stone. Transmutes pain into light.

Revitalizes and calms 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras. Opens the heart chakra. Provides great inner strength. Promotes harmony and the release of negativity. Aids with arthritic conditions.

Eliminates stubbornness. Helps one be patient. Stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas. Helps one identify the cause of disease or disorder. Aids in opening ones clairvoyant abilities, which we all have.

Facilitates communication between the physical and the spiritual worlds. Helps improve communication skills, especially around verbalizing ones true feelings.

Helps to induce the recall of dreams and to promote dream solving; providing access to solutions during dreams. Opens and energizes 5th and 6th chakra. Helps rid the body of unwanted energies and toxins.

Gently opens the throat chakra to aid with communication, especially when communicating ones needs. Grounding. Aids with tuning into ones psychic abilities.

Activates the throat and third eye chakras. Helps one communicate what one is "getting" from a third eye perspective. Brings cheer and success in relationships. Expands awareness and intellectual capacity. Helps increase ones intuition.

Good stone for communication. A very gentle stone. Gives universal love to the user. Also helps with intuition.

A stone of happiness. Protects against negativity. Excellent healing stone. Brings harmony to the cellular structure of the body. Helps rid the body of toxins.

Represents change, variety and progress. Provides insight to the subtle energy channels within the body. Helps one strengthen the body and mind. Helps one enjoy the great vastness within the self. Stone of resolution.

Helps eliminate confusion. Encourages self esteem, self trust and trust of others. Used to enhance truthfulness in emotions. Provides access to the sacred laws of the universe.

Connects one to the universal and earth energies. Aligns all chakras. Encourages using love in all issues. Excellent healing stone. Cleanses the auric field, promoting optimal health of the physical and etheric bodies. Gentle yet powerful.

6th (Brow or 3rd Eye) Chakra

One of the major stones for use in the third eye/crown area during healing, meditation and astral travel. Gently helps one with spiritual growth. Strengthens the auric field. Has been used by shamans to insure accuracy of visions. Helps one to stay in the present moment. Helps lessen fatty deposits and to rid the body of toxins.

Activates the 4th through the 7th chakras. Helps decrease stress. Aids transition. Encourages self love and openness. Very calming. Aids sleep. Wonderful to add to a bath at the end of a stressful day.

Stimulates creative visualization. Helps one see the hidden pictures within fears, grief, thoughts and hopes. Helps one see any hidden messages that others may have.

A love stone for this age, representing the perfection of "all that is". Sugilites energy flows from the crown to the base chakra, opening and balancing all chakras. Energizes ones central channel. Helps one get in tune with the universe. Can help remind one of the reasons for being in the physical body, answering the "why am I here?" question. Eliminates hostility, anger and all negative attributes.

Connects one to the universal and earth energies. Aligns all chakras. Encourages using love in all issues. Excellent healing stone. Cleanses the auric field, promoting optimal health of the physical and etheric bodies. Gentle yet powerful.

7th (Crown) Chakra

Stimulates the crown chakra and energizes the auric field. Enhances creativity. Used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system and to rid the body of toxins

Aids with visualization. Instills peace during meditation. Helps open crown chakra yet is grounding. Used to stimulate passion and heart felt love. Lessens PMS. Reduces fevers and enhances purification of the cells.

Increases intuition and insight. Brings happy energy into its environment. Has been known to assist with pms and menopause. A great stone for women. Helps one happily accept changes to ones body.

Warm and fuzzy stone. Purifies the chakras. It clears obstacles from ones path. Helps one identify karmic debt. Decreases disabilities associated with aging. Helps alleviate a "nervous stomach".

Supports all chakras. Amplifies, focuses, stores, transfers and transforms energy. Brings in universal energy. A wonderful all purpose stone. Aids with healing, releasing, allowing. Brings in the full spectrum of light.

Harmonizes the human energy field with universal energy. Helps heal negativity. Protects the auric field. A good energizer stone. energizes and balances all of the chakras.

Enhances communication with higher self. Helps one understand ones journey during astral travel. Increases clairvoyance. Stimulates the immune system.

Connects one to the universal and earth energies. Aligns all chakras. Encourages using love in all issues. Excellent healing stone. Cleanses the auric field, promoting optimal health of the physical and etheric bodies. Gentle yet powerful.


Overall Chakra Stones and Crystals

All Chakras
Activation/Stimulation: garnet, quartz
Alignment/Balancing: bloodstone, blue kyanite, calcite, dolomite
General Strengthening/Stimulating: bloodstone, boji stone, botswana agate, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla, crocoite, cuprite, danburite, fluorite, kunzite, kyanite, obsidian, quartz

Lower Chakras (Heart and Below): bloodstone, mookaite

Upper Chakras (Heart and Above): blue tigers eye (protection)

Minor Chakras
Higher Heart Chakra, located between the 4th and 5th Chakra

Past Life Chakra, located at the left ear

Higher Crown Chakra, located above the 7th chakra, off of the body

Grounding Earth Chakra, located below the 1st Chakra, between the feet

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