Doreen Virtue Products



Metaphysical Books And CD's

Doreen Virtue, PHD

About the Author
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., is a spiritual doctor of psychology and fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended master realms. She is the author of 22 books on mind-body-spirit themes, including Healing with the Angels, Divine Guidance, Angel Therapy, The Lightworker's Way, and Archangels & Ascended Masters. Dr. Virtue is the founder and former director of WomanKind Psychiatric Hospital at Cumberland Hall Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, and she served as an administrator at Woodside Women's Hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women's psychological issues. Dr. Virtue also directed three outpatient psychiatric centers, including an adolescent drug & alcohol abuse center. Dr. Virtue has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, Good Morning America, The View with Barbara Walters, Donny & Marie, Roseanne, and many others. You can also call Doreen on a weekly live radio show on

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Numbers [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Lynnette Brown (Author)
Angel Numbers has been created to serve as a pocket guide containing the angelic meanings of numbers from 0 to 999. Designed to fit into a purse or pocket for easy transport, Angel Numbers provides an interpretation of more complex number sequences than was previously available in Healing with the Angels. This new book focuses on numbers such as 123, 337, 885, and so on. Whether you're seeing these numbers on license plates, telephone numbers, the clock, or other locations, they're very real messages from the angels. Angel Numbers will help you instantly understand the meaning of these signs from above!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
This 44-card deck (with accompanying guidebook) offers comforting and uplifting messages to set a positive and healing tone for the day. It also functions as a divination tool, as you can ask a question and find the message that gives you guidance and answers.

This work is designed to help you stay centered in peacefulness throughout the day, and to remember that your angels are always beside you, ready to help you with every area of your life.

I designed this deck of oracle cards to give you daily reminders of your angels’ love and presence. Many people tell me that they forget to ask for the angels’ help. These oracle cards provide a wonderful solution. You can choose a card each morning and then keep the card with you throughout the day so you can meditate upon your angelic guidance, and also remind yourself to ask for your angels’ help. I've been using these cards in my readings and have found that they are super accurate in pin-pointing the underlying issues and also pointing to future events. The long message on the card means that you don't have to always consult the booklet to understand its meaning and message.
—Doreen Virtue


Oracle Cards


Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards
Archangel Michael Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Archangel Michael is a beloved and powerful protector and trustworthy guide. He knows your life’s purpose and the best steps for you to take next. The 44 cards in this deck feature messages for you from Archangel Michael and incredible paintings of this magnificent angel.

You’ll also receive answers to your most pressing questions. An accompanying guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct an accurate, safe, and powerfully healing reading for yourself and others.

A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook


Oracle Cards

Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Angel Therapy® Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue

This easy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerful healing and guidance process that involves working with your guardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael and Raphael). These oracle cards and the enclosed guidebook give you action steps to take that will initiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; and give you messages about your life purpose, relationships, manifestations, and more.

Each card features a gorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you, and is suitable for both children and adults. The guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.

A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook!


Oracle Cards


Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards:

A 44-Card Deck With Guidebook
by Doreen Virtue
This beautiful little package includes 44 oracle cards—each with a unique Victorian-style or Old Master-style angel picture on one side. There are no negative or frightening cards in this deck! A small instruction booklet is also included in the package. It explains the full meaning of each card, and includes angel messages about healing from various life challenges. Learn how to give "angel readings" with the cards, and have fun with your friends and family!


Oracle Cards


Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Messages From Your Angels

A 44-Card Deck
by Doreen Virtue
This card deck makes it even easier than ever to give an amazingly accurate angel reading for yourself or others. Each card has a gorgeous angel painting, along with a one- or two-sentence message. The messages are specific and to-tLLLL-point, which makes for angel readings that have specific details and guidance. As before, the cards and accompanying booklet are positive and uplifting. However, they are much more detailed and give exact step-by-step guidance, rather than an ambiguous one-word meaning.


Oracle Cards


Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Saints And Angels Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Now you can easily receive messages and guidance from beloved saints such as Mother Teresa, Bernadette, Joan of Arc, Hildegard, Padre Pio, Anthony, Francis, and Cecilia. Doreen has created a nondenominational deck of oracle cards that people from various spiritual and religious backgrounds are sure to appreciate and enjoy.

Forty-four cards with breathtaking artwork depicting God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, saints, archangels, and guardian angels give you answers and gentle advice. A guidebook accompanying the cards thoroughly explains how to received guidance about the present and future, how to give an accurate reading to another person, and the general meanings of each card’s message.


Oracle Cards


Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Archangel Oracle Cards
A 45-card deck and guidebook
by Doreen Virtue
Archangels are very powerful, wise, and loving guides who can motivate and heal you in miraculous ways. This deck of 45 oracle cards by Doreen Virtue will familiarize you with the 15 archangels, give you messages from them, help you to invoke them, and answer some your important life questions. You'll learn how to give an accurate archangel reading for yourself and others with the help of the enclosed guidebook.


Oracle Cards



Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Ascended Masters Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling book Archangels & Ascended Masters. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. The enclosed guidebook gives expanded explanations of each card’s meaning, and a brief history of each ascended master. As with each of Doreen’s oracle-card decks, the messages for each card are positive, accurate, and life-affirming.


Oracle Cards



 Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
The goddesses are angelic, powerful, loving beings who want to help you with every part of your life. In this set of 44 oracle cards you'll learn who the different cross-cultural goddesses are and how they can help you. Each card gives you a specific message about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path. The gorgeous artwork on each card depicts Kuan Yin, Laksmi, Brigit, Isis, and Athena, as well as goddesses from Celtic, Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Tibetan, Buddhist, and other traditions.

The accompanying guidebook helps you give accurate readings for yourself, your loved ones, and your clients. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, you'll find that working with the goddesses brings Divine magic into your life.

Oracle Cards

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Archangels and Ascended Masters [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Archangels and Ascended Masters is a thoroughly researched book in a lively encyclopedia format, listing seventy-seven divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian, Tibetan, Buddhist, Celtic, Theosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots. Doreen explains the history of each deity, what role they serve today, how they can help us with specific life problems, and how to call upon each one.

Angel Books


Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Healing With The Fairies Oracle Cards:

 A 44-Card Deck
by Doreen Virtue
Fairies are nature’s powerful guardian angels, and they can miraculously assist you with your self-esteem, relationships, health, and career. The fairies will help you find new inner strength and confidence, and guide you in treating yourself with greater love and respect.


Oracle Cards

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Angels 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Angels [Hardcover]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Doreen Virtue frequently hears this question at her workshops, and usually points them to her book Healing with the Angels. Yet, even that book is a bit advanced for newcomers. One morning she clearly saw and heard the title Angels 101, and Doreen knew that the angels wanted her to write a very basic and elementary book.

Angels 101 is a nondenominational overview of who the angels are; their role in various spiritual texts and religions; the ways that angels help us and how to call upon them; information on guardian angels, archangels, and departed loved ones; and frequently asked questions about the angels. No matter where you are on a spiritual or religious path, this book is sure to deepen your understanding and love of the angels—and it makes the perfect gift for someone new to these concepts!

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

How to Hear Your Angels [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
How to Hear Your Angels is a step-by-step manual on how to clearly receive messages from your angels and guides. The material was culled from Doreen Virtue’s best-selling book Messages from Your Angels and from her workshops. Doreen has been assigning this reading material to her Angel Therapy Practitioner™ students for many years, and at their request has compiled the information in this handy book.

Within these pages, you’ll discover your communication “style” so that you can more easily recognize the visions, words, thoughts, and feelings you receive as Divine guidance. The book is filled with charts to help you discern the difference between true Divine guidance and the voice of the ego, and it will help you engage in clear and understandable conversations with Heaven.


Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Signs From Above: Your Angels' Messages about Your Life Purpose, Relationships, Health, and More [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Your guardian angels are continually giving you messages, frequently through signs, such as seeing rainbows, repetitive number sequences, finding coins or feathers, and hearing meaningful songs.

In this fascinating book, Doreen Virtue and her son Charles teach you how to understand the signs that are always around you. You'll gain comfort from reading true stories of how angels have answered prayers by giving clear signs revealing their love and protection. You'll also learn how to ask the angels for signs, along with specific prayers for your relationships, career, health, and other vital areas of your life.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Healing With The Angels [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
A how-to guide that reveals how to work with angels to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444, and Other Number Sequences [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
One of the most common ways in which angels speak to us is by showing us repetitive number sequences. Since the publication of her best-selling book Angel Numbers, Doreen Virtue has received even more information from the angels about the meaning of number sequences such as 111, 444, 1234, and so forth.

Angel Numbers 101 clearly explains how to receive accurate messages from your angels and heavenly loved ones whenever you see repetitive number sequences on telephone numbers, license plates, receipts, clocks, and such. Every message is completely updated for increased accuracy in understanding your angels’ messages.

This handy reference guide is small enough to fit into a purse or desk drawer so you’ll always know what your angels are saying.


Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Angel Therapy: Healing Messages for Every Area of Your Life [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Can help you with troubling emotions such as depression, boredom, confusion, and anger; and issues associated with careers, relationships, and family.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Audiobooks and audio CD's

Angel Therapy Meditations [Abridged, Audiobook, CD] [Audio CD]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
This calming CD allows you to open up to the miraculous power of the angels. Doreen Virtue leads you through a powerfully healing Angel Therapy session. You’ll work with archangels to release old blocks and toxins; cut cords of fear; heal past-life issues; and gain confidence, courage, and clarity about your life’s purpose and relationships.


Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook [Cards]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
This easy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerful healing and guidance process that involves working with your guardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael and Raphael). These oracle cards and the enclosed guidebook give you action steps to take that will initiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; and give you messages about your life purpose, relationships, manifestations, and more.

Each card features a gorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you, and is suitable for both children and adults. The guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Best Of Doreen Virtue CD Audiobooks

The Best of Doreen Virtue 4-CD [Audiobook, CD] [Audio CD]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
This 4-CD set includes:
Manifesting with the Angels,
Past-Life Regression with the Angels,
Karma Releasing, and Healing with the Angels

Manifesting with the Angels: Doreen guides you through a powerful manifestation session called “progression,” in which you and your angels attract the qualities and experiences of your soul’s highest destiny and intentions.

Past-Life Regression with the Angels: Doreen leads you through a very gentle and deep past-life regression, in which you recall your life’s purpose and answer other key questions.

Karma Releasing: Doreen helps you to release painful conscious and unconscious memories from your past (including past lives) so that you can live free from fears.

Healing with the Angels: Many people report receiving healing and higher self-esteem from listening to this guided meditation in which Doreen invokes Archangel Raphael and other healing angels.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

The Miracles of Archangel Michael [Paperback]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Archangel Michael is a powerful protector who helps everyone who calls upon him. In this enlightening work, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere. The book includes fascinating true stories of how Michael has protected people while driving, guided their careers, safeguarded their children . . . and even reveals his little-known talents for repairing mechanical and electronic machines!

You’ll learn how to contact Michael; and discover ways to work with him for physical and emotional healing for yourself, your friends and family members, or your clients. The stories in this book will open your heart to the amazingly pure, unconditional love that Michael has for anyone who seeks his help. The Miracles of Archangel Michael will help you feel safe, protected, and very loved!

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael [Hardcover]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Whether it’s a life-threatening condition, a painful injury, or an annoying health issue, Archangel Raphael is able to heal it! In this inspiring book, Doreen Virtue shows you why Archangel Raphael has long been regarded as the healing angel. He’s a nondenominational miracle worker who helps everyone who asks.

The true stories of miraculous healings within these pages will give you hope and faith that heaven does hear you. You’ll read the ways in which Raphael answers your prayers, and learn how to recognize his health-saving advice. You’ll also discover how Raphael guides current and aspiring healers, as well as how he can help your friends and loved ones, including your pets.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue Angel Books

Archangels 101: How to Connect Closely with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel and Others for Healing, Protection, and Guidance [Hardcover]

Doreen Virtue (Author)
Legions of loving and trustworthy archangels watch over us, and you can develop an even closer relationship with them by learning their names and specialties. In this uplifting nondenominational book, Doreen Virtue guides you in connecting with her 15 favorite archangels; and you’ll read true stories from people who received protection, miraculous healings, and amazing guidance from these beloved heavenly beings.

Archangels want to help each and every one of you live healthier and happier lives. As unlimited beings, archangels can assist everyone simultaneously, and this fascinating book will teach you which archangels to call upon for various situations. Whether you’re new to working with angels, or someone who has believed in angels all your life, you’ll want to refer to Archangels 101 again and again.

Angel Books

Doreen Virtue

Angel Words: Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels in Your Life [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Grant Virtue (Author)
When Doreen and her son Grant Virtue were recording podcasts, they noticed that whenever she said the word angel, the recording graphics were shaped like angel wings! So they studied the other words she said and realized that those with a spiritual or loving basis had large graphs. So they experimented with saying negative words and found that their appearance was completely different: tight and small.

Similar to Masaru Emoto’s work with water crystals, Angel Words gives visual proof of the power and impact of speaking in a loving way. You’ll come to understand why positive words express the most energy and therefore have the most power to manifest your dreams. You'll also see how negative words have low energy and read how they can actually draw negative experiences to you.

This unforgettable book will immediately motivate you to choose positive words!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Losing Your Pounds of Pain [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
In this short, easy-to-read book aimed primarily at women, the author writes from her own experience as an abused wife and compulsive overeater, as well as her experience counseling clients with the same problems. Virtue (Yo-Yo Syndrome Diet, HarperCollins, 1989) believes that overeating is the result of emotional emptiness, an emptiness that must be addressed in therapy rather than through a focus on diet or food intake. She touts her own success with the self-talk procedures she outlines, describing herself thus: "I am a Ph.D. with four college degrees in psychology, a best-selling author, have appeared on many national talk shows, have a wonderful relationship, [and] a healthy and attractive figure."
This title helps break the link between abuse, stress, and overeating!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Healing With The Angels [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
How the angels can assist you in every area of your life. "Healing with the Angels" is an inspirational work that reveals how to work with the angels to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Crystal Therapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Judith Lukomski (Author)


Crystal Therapy is a pocket guide to the healing power of 88 crystals, complete with beautiful color photographs of each one. The book is suitable for beginners, and it focuses on crystals that are easily obtainable. Readers learn which crystal to use for particular health or life issues, receive clear explanations of crystal-related terms (such as phantom and record-keeper"), how to choose a crystal that’s been humanely mined, and read fascinating channeled messages from each crystal. The authors discuss how the crystals work with the angels and archangels; and outline the steps for laying particular crystals in your home to build energy grids that help with abundance, romance, a good night’s sleep, protection, and more.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Chakra Clearing (Book & CD) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
For readers who seek a straightforward guidebook on learning about the chakra system and how to keep it healthy, this is an excellent resource. Virtue, who is a bestselling author (Messages From Your Angels, Healing With the Angels) and clairvoyant doctor of psychology, identifies the placements and functions of these "energy centers" in the body. She then teaches readers how to keep these chakras clear and clean, leading to greater health and energy.

The chakras themselves are a beautiful progression of shifting colors, starting with the red root chakra at the base of the spine and moving up the body, shade-by-shade, and ending with the royal purple "crown" chakra at the top of the head. Each chakra interacts with a person's issues and concerns in the world. For instance, the root chakra relates to basic survival, such as money, shelter, and material needs, according to Virtue. If a person feels stable in this arena, the "root chakra looks like a brilliant ruby held under a spotlight," she explains. However, if people feel fearful about money or become overly obsessed with their career or possessions, this chakra will be come "dirty" and have a muddy, dark red color.

Virtue offers an extensive assortment of original, guided meditations that are effective in cleaning and clearing all the chakras. The information is well organized and clearly presented with a corresponding CD to help readers integrate the meditations into daily life. She also touches upon other cleaning tools, such as what foods and crystals support the chakra system. Advanced energy workers may find this material basic, but beginners should find it an outstanding primer. --Gail Hudson
""This book and CD will helpyou understand the functions of the major chakras, and esoteric methods for clearing them of fear. Your natural slate is one of high energy, intuition, and creativity. You don't need to add anything to yourself to enjoy these characteristics--you already own them within yourself. Just like a sculptor needs to chip away the parts of the statue that aren't part of the ultimate creation, you only need to clear away fear to reveal your innate qualities.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Realms of the Earth Angels: More Information for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Wizards, and Other Lightworkers [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Since the publication of her best-selling book Earth Angels (more than 80,000 copies sold), Doreen Virtue presented workshops about these lightworkers to several international audiences, which yielded additional information about the various realms that these beings originate from. In addition to the “core realms” that Doreen discussed in the first book (Incarnated Angels, Incarnated Elementals, Star People, and Wise Ones), some new realms have been discovered.

In Realms of the Earth Angels, Doreen discusses the original Earth Angels book, plus gives updated descriptions about the new realms, which include Mystic Angels (half-angel, half-wise one); Leprechauns (half-elemental, half-wise one); Merpeople; Knights; and more.

As with the original book, you, the reader, can take an expanded quiz to help you recognize your own realm. Each realm has its own chapter, with Earth Angel characteristics, suggestions, advice, and case studies.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Saved By An Angel: True Accounts of People Who Have Had Extraordinary Experiences with Angels...and How YOU Can, Too! [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Do you wonder whether there are angels around you, who they are, and what they look like? In this inspiring work—which is a compilation of the best of Doreen Virtue’s books Angel Visions and Angel Visions II, plus all-new material—you’ll read uplifting, true stories by ordinary people who have had extraordinary experiences. Doreen has combed through thousands of reports of angel visions to bring you the most touching and revealing accounts possible.
You’ll read about children and adults who received lifesaving messages from their guardian angels, deceased loved ones, and ascended masters; and find out about helpful strangers who appeared from out of the blue during a crisis and then suddenly disappeared. Doreen also gives you step-by-step instructions that will help you see and visually connect with your angels!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Daily Guidance from Your Angels: 4-Color Gift Edition! [Hardcover]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Begin each morning by communing with your angels, using the 365 channeled meditations in this beautiful gift edition by best-selling author Doreen Virtue. Each page offers a comforting and uplifting message that sets a positive and healing tone for the day. This material also functions as a divination tool, as you can ask a question and open the book to a thought that provides guidance, support, answers, and encouragement.

Daily Guidance from Your Angels will keep you centered in peacefulness throughout the day, and will help you remember that your angels are always beside you, ready to assist you with every area of your life. A beautiful ribbon bookmark bound into the spine is the perfect way to easily mark your place, both morning and evening.
This book makes the perfect gift for those you love . . . including yourself!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Divine Magic (Hay House Classics) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
You have natural magical abilities that can elevate your life to a whole new level, as well as heal and help your loved ones and clients. The original teacher of this Divine magic was an Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus. His teachings, called “Hermetics,” were only taught verbally or in very cryptic writings. In 1908, three Hermetic students wrote these teachings in a book called The Kybalion. Yet, this book was still difficult to understand because of its archaic and confusing language.
Now in Divine Magic, Doreen Virtue presents a clearly edited version of The Kybalion, written in understandable and modern language. She gives comments and practical suggestions based upon her own success in using Hermetic teachings for healing and manifestation. With Divine Magic, you can master your moods, release negativity, manifest new levels of abundance, and attract wonderful opportunities in all areas of your life.

*Includes a meditative CD

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Healing Words From The Angels: 365 Daily Messages [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Doreen Virtue has created this book to give you daily reminders to ask for your angels’ assistance with anything and everything.

All the entries within come directly from the angels, so by reading their words daily, you’ll be immersed in the sweet energy of their love. This will help you be more aware of your own guardian angels’ messages for you.

With the help of this book, each of your days will be filled with blessings, miracles, and joy!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Past Life Regression With the Angels [Abridged, Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Whether or not you believe in past lives, there are very real therapeutic benefits from undergoing a past-life regression session. In this enlightening audiocassette, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., discusses how her clients have healed from phobias, addictions, and mood disorders by recalling their past lives. She also talks about how our past lives give us important clues about the Divine life purpose of our present life. Doreen reminds us that with the help of our guardian angels, we can discern important information about our past lives in a safe and gentle manner.

Doreen and your angels also help you to unwind and relax so that your unconscious mind will reveal its ancient secrets. Accompanied by your angels and the beautiful music of Steven Halpern, you'll travel back in time and recover your past-life gifts.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Medicine [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
In this powerful and comprehensive new book, leading angel expert, Doreen Virtue Ph.D., teaches both healers and lay-people how to heal the body and emotions with the help of our guardian angels. Since 1995, Doreen has been running courses worldwide and has published numerous inspirational books on working with the angels. During that time, she has amassed considerable case studies of miracle healings that occurred when people worked with their angels. The book outlines inspiring and often - entertaining stories of miracle healings of people's bodies, emotions, their children, pets, and even improvements in their finances and material objects. The book includes angel messages about the importance of light, as well as scientific research on the importance of sunlight, sunsets, and moonlight.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Earth Angels: A Pocket Guide for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpeople, Walk-Ins, and Wizards [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
In the same way that "The Indigo Children" was a phenomenon that was much talked-about, before the book came out and explained it, "Earth Angels" is a topic of much discussion among spiritually minded people world-wide. Four years ago, Doreen Virtue wrote an article on the topic, and then a chapter in her book, "Healing with the Angels," and then more information in "Healing with the Fairies." Since that time, Doreen has been flooded with letters from people who resonate with the idea, requesting more information.

"Earth Angels" will be the first book devoted to the topic. Doreen will describe the five different types of lightworkers: Incarnated Angels (those who had previous lives as angels, but who are now here as humans); Incarnated Elementals (those whose previous lives were in the elemental kingdom, as fairies, elves, etc.); Starpeople (those who have lived the majority of their past lives on other planets); Walk-In's (those who came from a high spiritual realm and walked-in to another person's life, as that soul gladly exited their body); and Reincarnated Sorcerers, Sorceresses, and Wizards (those whose most recent past life was during Arthurian or Atlantian times, when they practiced high magic).

The book will include dozens of case studies; a fascinating analysis of an extensive survey that Doreen has conducted among people who identify with the five types of Earth Angels; and guidance to help readers to feel happier about their lives, their own idiosyncrasies, and their missions.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Do you crave chocolate, bread, cheese, fries, or other foods? If so, there’s a reason why, as Doreen Virtue’s breakthrough book explains. Each food craving actually corresponds to a specific underlying emotion; so once you understand the meaning behind your particular craving and apply the information and affirmations within these pages, you’ll be able to heal your cycle of emotional overeating.

In addition, you’ll read scientific studies about the mood- and energy-altering properties of each food, which will help you see how your appetite perfectly mirrors your emotions. This comprehensive and empowering guide will also show you how to give “food readings” to yourself and others, allowing you to accurately interpret the meaning behind many cravings.

Constant Craving is a one-of-kind book that will give you the emotional, physical, and spiritual tools you need to make friends with food . . . and your appetite!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook [Cards]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
The Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards are specifically designed to help you manifest your goals, life purpose, and Divinely inspired dreams. These 44 beautifully illustrated cards can help you swim into the ocean of your unconscious mind, where profound thoughts and feelings can create—or block—your heart’s desire. The cards are easy to use, and the enclosed guidebook will help you perform amazingly accurate readings for yourself or others.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Eating In The Light: Making the Switch to Vegetarianism on Your Spiritual Path [Paperback]
Doreen; Prelitz, Becky Virtue (Author)
It isn't just the fat or carbohydrate content that counts when making dietary choices - it's the 'spiritual vibrational' quality of our foods and beverages that truly makes a difference in how we look and feel. In this fascinating book, learn the spiritual properties of different food and beverage groups so that you can make informed decisions about what to eat and drink.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Indigo children are bright, intuitive, strong-willed, sometimes self-destructive individuals. They are often labeled - and misdiagnosed - as having ADD or ADHD because they won't comply with established rules and patterns; and they may exhibit behavioral problems at home and in school. In this text, Doreen Virtue explores the psyche of these special children, aiming to positively affect the ways in which parents interact with their children.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Life Purpose Oracle Cards [Cards]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Before you were born, you worked with your angels to orchestrate a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding. This card deck by Doreen Virtue will allow you to conduct accurate and trustworthy readings to explore that life purpose. Each of the 44 beautifully illustrated cards contains an illuminating message from the angels related to this topic.

The accompanying guidebook explains the general meanings of the cards and provides specific details that can offer more clarity about your career and spiritual path. Whether you’re seeking answers for yourself or your loved ones and clients, these cards can yield valuable insights. The angels are happy to guide every aspect of your life purpose!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

The Yo-Yo Diet Syndrome: How to Heal and Stabilize Your Appetite and Weight [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
How wonderful would it feel to be able to break free from the pattern of yo-yo dieting forever?

Recent research suggests that 95 percent of dieters fail to keep the weight off and continually:

· Lose pounds on countless occasions but end up putting it (and more) back on

· Overeat due to stress, depression, boredom, and fatigue

· Constantly crave, or binge on, fat- and calorie-laden food

In this revised edition of her landmark book, Doreen Virtue shows you how you can keep the extra weight off—permanently! She presents a wealth of practical information that shows you how to heal your appetite and dieting issues, from the inside out.

This book is a must if you want to address the psychological, spiritual, and physiological causes of weight gain, and desire a simple and realistic method for shedding those excess pounds—for good!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Goddesses & Angels [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
It’s true—you can spiritually heal; instantly manifest your heart’s desires; and commune with angels, goddesses, fairies, and ascended masters! In this true spiritual adventure story and reference book, Doreen Virtue writes about the enlightened beings who can unlock the magical gifts within you.
In Part I, you’ll travel with Doreen through a Sedona sweat lodge, the Polynesian island of Moorea, a goddess temple at the Isle of Avalon, and other exotic locations. You’ll read the powerful messages she received from Mother Mary while visiting Lourdes, and you’ll peek over Doreen’s shoulder as she gives psychic readings and receives information about Lemuria, merpeople, and the new Rainbow Children.
Part II alphabetically lists and describes the attributes of goddesses and angels in an easy-to-use guide that will help you awaken your innate spiritual abilities.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Healing Your Appetite, Healing Your Life [Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
In this enlightening CD, best-selling author Doreen Virtue discusses a number of issues related to the health of your appetite - and your life. She points out that your appetite is an instrument that measures the peace of mind that you have. So, when you approach your appetite in a holistic, gentle, and loving way, your cravings and weight stabilize. As such, your vision of a healthy body and fulfilling life becomes a reality. The best way to heal your appetite, Doreen explains, is to listen to your intuition - your gut - instead of judging it or covering it up with food or diets. Doing so will lead you to healthy relationships, and great overall fitness.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Divine Guidance: How to Have a Dialogue with God and Your Guardian Angels [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue Ph.D. (Author) $51.29
Virtue, a spiritual counselor, encourages everyone to communicate directly with God and the angels, and she maps out several clairvoyant styles for doing so. The method itself is surprisingly simple: breathe deeply and slowly, formulate specific questions, and trust God. She discusses characteristics of true guidance and ways to discern whether knowledge comes from wishful thinking or from interference by the lower self. The ultimate test seems to be whether guidance provides support and encouragement, or fear and negativity; she believes that the latter indicates false guidance. Practical exercises for developing latent abilities are included. This book will be popular with fans of Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Putnam,
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

The Crystal Children [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Crystal Children reflect the new generation that has come to the Earth plane after the Indigo Children. They are approximately ages 0 through 5, although some members of the first wave of Crystal Children are as old as 7. These children are like Indigos—highly psychic and sensitive—but without the dark edge and the anger energy.

The term Crystal Children is already taking hold worldwide, and people everywhere are talking about these special kids. Since Doreen is the only researcher who is publicly giving speeches on the subject, her audiences have been asking her for a book on the topic. It’s a natural sequel to her book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children.

As babies, Crystal Children may take longer than normal to begin talking. They are highly telepathic, and their tuned-in mothers communicate with them nonverbally. Because they’re so sensitive, the Crystal Children babies may fuss and cry a lot in crowded places. They’re also very fond of nature. Doreen once watched one Crystal Child walk from tree to tree, giving each one a big hug.

Crystal Children are beautiful inside and out, like magnificent little high-priests and priestesses. One look in their eyes, and you’ll recognize Divine love and wisdom. Their auras are bright, radiant, and opalescent—they seem to glow from the inside! They talk about past lives, distant galaxies, and profound insights concerning peace and love. Most Crystal Children’s parents are aware that their kids are special, and they’re thrilled to be parenting such delightful children.

The book includes many interviews with Crystal Children, their parents, and teachers. It discusses parenting and teaching methods that are essential to keeping these children happy and healthy, and how to avoid pitfalls that could spoil their special gifts. The book ties in to a Website called that Doreen is preparing—an Internet site for Crystal Children and their parents where they can post messages and read relevant articles.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Fairies 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Fairies and Other Elementals [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Fairies are very real and loving beings who want to help us live joyful, prosperous, and healthy lives. In this enlightening book, Doreen Virtue clearly explains who the fairies are, how they’re helping us, and ways to connect with their magical energy.

True stories from people who’ve encountered fairies and benefited from their assistance illustrate Doreen’s teachings. You’ll learn how fairies aid people in finding lost objects, heal themselves and their pets, make gardens grow miraculously fast, and help clean the environment. You’ll also see of a real fairy handprint, and other visual evidence that demonstrates that fairies are very real indeed.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Manifesting with the Angels [Abridged, Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
This powerful meditation and discussion CD guides listeners through a "progression" (similar to a regression, except you see your future instead of your past). Doreen discusses "parallel realities," and how the angels show you — in the progression — your highest alternative reality. Then, she helps listeners to work with the angels to manifest this highest reality. Doreen discusses how our life's purpose is fulfilled in our highest reality, and how the angels seek to support us while we fulfill our life's purpose. Everything we need to complete our mission is available to us right now, and the angels help us to manifest this supply. In addition, Doreen discusses and then takes listeners through the steps of purposeful manifestation and talks about four common pitfalls that can block manifestations and how to avoid them.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

The Art of Raw Living Food: Heal Yourself and the Planet with Eco-delicious Cuisine [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Jenny Ross (Author)
Now you can enjoy all of the health benefits of a diet high in fresh produce, while still enjoying tasty meals. In this delicious book, Doreen Virtue and Jenny Ross (owner and chef of the popular Southern California raw-foods restaurant, 118 Degrees) give you hundreds of recipes and tips for creating gourmet meals—all created 100 percent from raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
You'll enjoy Mexican, Italian, Asian, and other cuisine, while deriving all of the physical, spiritual, and emotional benefits of eating one of the healthiest diets available. As you follow these easy-to-prepare recipes, you’ll discover why thousands of people have joined the Raw Food Movement and see how to incorporate a living-foods diet into your daily life!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Romance Angels [Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Meet the romance angels, a segment of the angelic that specializes in helping you manifest a healthy and romantic love life. On Side A of this powerful audiocassette, Dr. Doreen Virtue teaches you how to call upon the romance angels and receive their help in every facet of your love life. She gives specific examples of how the angelic kingdom can intervene in Cupid-like fashion.

On Side B, Doreen takes you through a relaxing meditation that allows the angels to clear away blocks that could be interfering with your love life. The romance angels will give you guidance that will put you on your way toward a happy and healthy relationship.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Thank You, Angels [Hardcover]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Kristina Tracy (Author), Patricia Keeler (Illustrator)
Best-selling author and “angel lady” Doreen Virtue has written her first book for children! Thank You, Angels! introduces young children to the world of angels and teaches them how these heavenly beings can help them in many ways. Kids will learn how to ask an angel for help, how to recognize an angel’s voice, and what signs angels may use to let kids know that they’re there. This book offers children a sense of comfort and peace by showing them that they’re never alone.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Indigo, Crystal, & Rainbow Children [Abridged, Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Sensitive children are often misdiagnosed with ADHD and autism, and they sometimes have difficulties at school and at home. In this informative and entertaining live lecture captured on a two-CD program, Doreen Virtue discusses natural and spiritual methods to help the Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children live happier lives.

Since the 1970s, parents and schoolteachers have noticed that children are becoming increasingly more sensitive, aware, and psychic. The first generation of the new children were the Indigos, followed in the 1990s by the Crystal Children. Now, the new Rainbow Children are starting to emerge. Doreen discusses the characteristics of the Indigos, Crystals, and Rainbows, and describes their souls' purpose and the beautiful messages they have for all of us.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Medicine [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
While researching her book Angel Medicine, Doreen Virtue uncovered methods used in the ancient healing temples of Atlantis. She began taking her audience members through a meditation so that they could experience a vicarious trip to an Atlantean healing temple. The results were so powerful that audiences began asking her to record the meditation.

The result is this Angel Medicine CD program, which features a deep-clearing meditation designed to release stored emotional pain on the first CD. The second CD takes you through a healing past-life regression to Atlantis where you’ll experience “Atlantis Therapy,” which will clear away doubts and fears about your Divine life mission.

Working with the archangels and dolphins, you’ll be able to cut etheric cords to challenging relationships, let go of past-life traumas and troublesome vows of poverty or suffering, open your chakras, and much more!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Messages from Your Angels Wall Calendar (Current Year)
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Doreen Virtue's Messages from Your Angels Wall Calendar, with its meditations and messages from the angelic realm, is a beautiful way to begin the day. Each month pairs gorgeous angel imagery with an uplifting message to set a positive and healing tone that will keep you centered in peacefulness. It acts as a reminder that our angels are always beside us, ready to assist us with every area of our lives. Virtue has devoted her lifework to teaching us how to hear the messages from our angels: "You can lean upon their light to help you heal at miraculous rates and in amazing ways."
Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology who works with the angelic, elemental and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. She is the author of more than twenty books about mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels. Virtue is a frequent talk-show guest with appearances on Oprah, Good Morning America and other national programs.

The interior pages of this calendar are printed on 100% recycled, 50% post-consumer paper, processed chlorine free and printed with soy based inks. In addition to printing our products on recycled paper, Amber Lotus Publishing continues to plant trees and offset our carbon footprint with NativeEnergy.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Karma Releasing [Abridged, Audiobook, CD, Unabridged] [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Decisions, actions, and beliefs from our past can have a powerful influence on our present life. This powerful audiocassette discusses how to release the effects of trauma from childhood and past life, as well as spiritual ways to undo the effect of self-destructive behavior such as cigarette smoking or drug taking. Doreen discusses "time collapse" methods, which allow listeners to release their cellular memories of past-life pain and traumas. She talks about how vows of poverty, celibacy, and suffering made in prior lives can follow us into this life. Doreen also guides listeners through the severance of such vows. When traditional talking therapy fails to yield desirable results, past-life issues may be the culprit. This tape does a deep cleansing of multiple issues from multiple past lives. It also heals childhood and early adulthood wounds from this life, including sexual traumas, addictions, relationship hurts, and business challenges.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook [Cards]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Now you can give yourself and others accurate, loving, and helpful readings about health and healing. Each oracle card features a gorgeous painting of Archangel Raphael. The enclosed guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct safe and powerful readings about your own health and that of your loved ones and clients. It explains the general meaning of each card and provides specific details that can offer you more clarity and help you tap into your intuition. Whether you’re seeking a healing for yourself, for someone else, or want to awaken your own natural healing abilities, Archangel Raphael brings you miracles and trustworthy guidance . . . and all you need to do is ask!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Divine Prescriptions: Spiritual Solutions for You and Your Loved Ones [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue Ph.D. (Author)
Dr. Virtue teaches us how to use our sixth sense so we can lay our hearts open to the possibility of healing. Begin a dialogue with the angels and you can achieve, in a practical way, the fultilling life you want and deserve.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Terapia Angelica: Mensajes para sanar todas las areas de su vida (Spanish Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Angel Therapy is a two-part book. The first part is set up in an A-to-Z subject format, with the second part being a step-by step guide on "how to communicate with your angels."

In Angel Therapy, you will learn new ways of looking at, and fresh ways of handling issues and common problems such as addictions, breakups, children, depression, health, intuition, love, manifesting, and many more!
Doreen shares her personal story of how she learned the importance of listening and communicating with her angels, how she had a narrow escape from death, and about the many blessings she has received since then.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

El ABC de Los Angeles: Como comenzar a conectarse, trabajar y sanarse con los angeles (Spanish Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

"¿Tienes un libro sobre Ángeles para alguien que es un principiante completo?"
Doreen Virtue oye con frecuencia esta cuestión en sus talleres y generalmente los puntos para su libro curación con los Ángeles. Sin embargo, incluso ese libro está avanzado un poco para los recién llegados. Una mañana ella claramente VI y escuché el título Angels 101 y Doreen sabía que los Ángeles querían escribir un libro muy básico y elemental.
Angels 101 es una visión denominacional de quiénes son los Ángeles; su papel en diversos textos espirituales y religiones; las formas que Ángeles ayudan a nosotros y cómo llamar a ellos; información sobre Ángeles guardianes, arcángeles y difuntos seres queridos; y preguntas más frecuentes acerca de los Ángeles. No importa dónde se encuentre un camino espiritual o religioso, este libro va a profundizar su comprensión y amor de los Ángeles, y hace el regalo perfecto para alguien nuevo en estos conceptos!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Constant Craving A-Z: A Simple Guide to Understanding and Healing Your Food Cravings (Hay House Lifestyles) [Hardcover]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Explains how food cravings correspond to emotional concerns, such as a desire for love, financial security, or forgiveness. This book shows how to interpret cravings by understanding their emotional meaning, and manage and heal your appetite in a completely natural way.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

"I'd Change My Life If I Had More Time" [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
This is a practical guide to making dreams come true. Learn how to change your life for the positive with this inspiring work from Doreen Virtue.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Magical Messages From The Fairies Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
This easy-to-use deck of oracle cards is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Fairies are beloved “nature angels” who, since they’re so close to the earth, are brilliant at healing and helping with everyday concerns such as relationships, health issues, and finances.

Each card has a gorgeous painting of fairies and a message or answer for you. All of the paintings and messages are suitable for children as well as adults. The enclosed guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.


Oracle Cards

Doreen Virtue Books

Guia Diaria de Sus Angeles: 365 mensages de los angeles para aliviar, sanar y abrir su corazon (Spanish Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Comenzar cada mañana por la comunión con sus Ángeles, utilizando las 365 meditaciones canalizadas en este libro inspirador. Cada página ofrece un mensaje tranquilizador y edificante que establece un tono positivo y curación para el día. Este material también funciona como una herramienta de adivinación, como puede hacer una pregunta y abrir el libro a un pensamiento que proporciona orientación, apoyo, estímulo y respuestas.

Orientación diaria de los Ángeles te centrado en tranquilidad durante todo el día y le ayudará a recordar que los Ángeles son siempre junto a ustedes, listo para ayudarle en todas las áreas de su vida. Un marcador de hermosa cinta enlazado a la columna vertebral es la forma perfecta para marcar fácilmente su lugar, mañana y tarde.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

The Romance Angels Oracle Cards [Cards]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
The Romance Angels are a group of cherubic angels who are focused upon all things love related. Anyone can call upon these beings, and they’re able to help unlimited numbers of people simultaneously.

This beautifully illustrated card deck by Doreen Virtue will allow you to receive angelic guidance about your romantic status, as well as conduct accurate and trustworthy readings for your friends and clients. The Romance Angels Oracle Cards can offer you more clarity about soul-mate relationships, healing from the past, and attracting more love into your life. Whether you’re seeking answers for yourself or someone else, these cards can yield valuable insights. The Romance Angels are happy to guide you to a lifetime of love!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Blessings Candle Kit [Audiobook] [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Grant Virtue (Author)
You can focus your mind, prayers, and affirmations plus have a clearer connection with your angels with the help of candles. In this Angel Blessings Candle Kit, angel expert Doreen Virtue and her candle expert son Grant Virtue will show you which color candle to use for specific prayers and life issues and to contact each of the archangels.

This easy-to-use kit contains 14 different colored candles, two beautiful angel themed candle holders, a meditation cd, a guidebook, and a handy journal to record your prayers, ceremonies, and manifestations. This kit is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced in working with angels and candles.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Solomon's Angels: A Novel [Hardcover]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
King Solomon knew how to harness universal energies to build his temple, tap into wisdom, and enjoy all of life’s riches. The only thing he was missing was true love. Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, was young and filled with exuberant curiosity about the world. On her journey to meet King Solomon, Makeda learned about the Jinn elemental realm and how to work with the sun and moon’s magical light, but she still wasn’t sure how to take charge of her own life.

In Solomon’s Angels, Doreen Virtue’s first novel, which is based on thoroughly researched historical, biblical, archaeological, and culturally accurate information, you’ll see how Solomon and Makeda’s meeting changed both of their lives forever. You’ll peek over the Queen of Sheba’s shoulder and discover the ancient secrets behind how Solomon’s temple was built without hammers and saws, and the role that the archangels and sacred geometry played in manifestation and divine magic.

Solomon and Makeda’s magically romantic story will inspire you in many ways . . . long after you’ve finished reading it!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Connecting with Your Angels Kit [Hardcover]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Doreen Virtue's latest offering may quite possibly be her best! My friend and I followed this audio-cassete series together. It took us an entire day, but it was time very well spent. This set is definitely life-altering! Especially worth noting is the meditation which helps you to meet your Guardian Angel. There are no words to describe the incredibly profound, spiritual experience I had during this meditation! I'd strongly recommend this to any seekers along the spiritual path who wish to learn how to recognize and experience two-way communication with their angels and guides! I don't usually buy audio and was initially a little put off by the price, but after having "heard" for myself, this series is truly a bargain. I'll certainly be purchasing additional sets for gift-giving. One final note: If possible, it's best to follow this set of tapes when you can do so without any distractions or interruptions.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Visions [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Many People have seen angels, apparitions of deceased loved ones, and ascended masters, as you'll read about in this groundbreaking collection of true stories by bestselling author Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. You'll be entertained and amazed by the beautiful descriptions that these individuals relate, and you'll be privy to the vital messages from their deceased loved ones during dreams, and hear about helpful strangers who appeared from out of the blue during a crisis and then suddenly disappeared. Doreen also gives you step-by-step instructions that will help you see and visually connect with your angels!

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Crystal Children [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Following on from the successful "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children", this is Doreen Virtue's first book on Crystal Children. These kids are like Indigos - highly psychic and sensitive - but without the dark edge and the anger energy. Crystal Children are beautiful inside and out - one look in their eyes and you can see Divine love and wisdom. Their auras are bright, radiant and opalescent - they seem to glow from the inside! They talk about past lives, distant galaxies and profound insights concerning peace and love. This book reveals how parents of these gifted children can ensure that these qualities are nurtured and not misunderstood. It also describes how to encourage their unique gifts, including healing abilities and a powerful connection to nature. Using many interviews with Crystal Children, their parents and teachers, Doreen's teachings show how we can cultivate this generation of special children.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

My Guardian Angel: True Stories of Angelic Encounters from Woman's World Magazine Readers [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Amy Oscar (Author)
Angels appearing from out of nowhere to save lives, give guidance, and provide loving assistance embody the topics of the true stories that appear each week in Doreen Virtue’s weekly angel column in Woman’s World magazine.
Now, the best columns have been collected into this inspirational and heartwarming book. You’ll enjoy reading these awe-inspiring accounts, along with Doreen’s comments and channeled advice on ways to connect with your own guardian angels.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Sanese Con Los Angeles: (Healing with the Angels) (Spanish Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Sanación con los Ángeles es una guía de procedimientos práctica que revela cómo trabajar con Ángeles para mejorar su salud. Gran parte del libro describe las distintas formas de Ángeles sanan nuestra salud física y proporciona métodos específicos de sanación espirituales basadas en estudios de caso del autor. Los Ángeles también sanan nuestra salud mental y emocional, y los estudios de casos demuestran cómo se levantó la depresión, ansiedad, trastornos del sueño y otras enfermedades comunes con la "terapia de Ángel". Los temas incluyen: terapia de Angel por enfermedad; otros sanación con Ángeles; angelicales mensajes sobre peso, ejercicio y dieta; terapia de sueño de los Ángeles; angelical compensación de problemas psicológicos y emocionales; curación alejadas adicciones y obsesiones; y cómo pueden curar los Ángeles nos de preocupación, culpa y otros hábitos destructivos mentales.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Los Reinos de los Angeles en la Tierra: Informacion adicional sobre Angeles encarnados, Elementales, Magos y otros Trabajadores de la Luz (Spanish Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Desde la publicación de su libro más vendido tierra Angels (más de 80.000 copias vendidas), Doreen Virtue presentó talleres sobre estas lightworkers a varias audiencias internacionales, que obtuvieron información adicional acerca de los diferentes reinos que originan estos seres. Además de los "principales reinos" que Doreen examinada en el primer libro (Angels encarnado, encarnado elementales, estrella personas y más sabio), se han descubierto algunos nuevos reinos.

En reinos de los Ángeles de la tierra, Doreen explica el libro original de tierra Angels, además ofrece actualizado las descripciones sobre los nuevos reinos, que incluyen Ángeles místico (una mitad Ángel, half-wise); LEPRECHAUNS (una media elemental, half-wise); Merpeople; Caballeros; y mucho más.
Como con el libro original, el lector puede tomar un cuestionario ampliado para ayudarle a reconocer su propio territorio. Cada Reino tiene su propio capítulo, con características de tierra Angel, sugerencias, consejos y estudios de caso.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Signs from Above [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Your guardian angels are continuously giving you messages, frequently through signs, such as seeing rainbows, repetitive number sequences, finding coins or feathers, and hearing meaningful songs. In "Signs from Above", Doreen Virtue and her son Charles teach how to understand the signs that are always around you. You'll gain comfort from reading true stories of how angels answered prayers by giving clear signs of their love and protection. You'll also have a better understanding of how to ask the angels for signs, along with specific prayers for your relationships, career, health, and other vital areas of your life.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Therapy [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Dr. Doreen Virtue's life changed dramatically when angels miraculously warned her and then intervened during a carjacking. After her angelic encounter, Doreen began asking the angels for additional guidance. They answered her requests with very clear and loving words. She writes of how the angelic guidance affected her work as a psychotherapist: 'I began helping my counselling clients to hear their own angels. Very quickly, I discovered that the healing power of the angels exceeds any form of 'man-made' therapy I had ever witnessed. The angels have wonderful gifts from God to impart to us.' In "Angel Therapy", Doreen delivers The Angelic Realm's messages of comfort and guidance that can help you with troubling emotions such as depression, boredom, confusion, and anger; and issues associated with careers, relationships, parenting, and much more.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Visions II (v. 2) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Do you wonder whether there are angels around you, who they are, and what they look like? In this eye-opening book, you'll read uplifting, true stories by ordinary people who have had extraordinary experiences.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Praying Peace: In Conversation with Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue [Paperback]
James F. Twyman (Author)
Concerned with both global and individual problems, this practical guide on peace includes thoughts, meditations, and prayers.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Lo Que Nos Dicen Los Ángeles: Encuentra una Respuesta Espiritual a los Problemas Cotidianos (Spanish Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Carola Pruence (Translator)
¿No sería magnífico poder acudir a alguien sabio, bondadoso y desinteresado cada vez que nos enfrentamos a un problema al que no vemos salida o nos encontramos atascados en una situación difícil? La soledad, la falta de comunicación, el miedo, la envidia... todos los seres humanos experimentamos sufrimientos similares (aunque los ángeles dirían que son oportunidades de crecimiento y superación espiritual) y tenemos parecidas necesidades. Sea cual sea nuestro credo, todos necesitamos de vez en cuando un hombro en el que apoyarnos, un sabio consejo y unas palabras de aliento.

Sin embargo, para recibir ayuda es necesario pedirla, y la autora de este libro nos enseña cómo hacerlo. Acostumbrados a ver sólo la parte material de la existencia, hemos acabado por ofuscar nuestra percepción espiritual y hemos acallado la voz del sexto sentido. No pedimos auxilio porque no esperamos recibirlo; no formulamos nuestros deseos porque no creemos merecerlos o porque hemos perdido la esperanza de que se cumplan. En este libro, que habla de la sabiduría divina y la forma de conectar con ella, la autora nos abre las puertas a una nueva percepción que nos permitirá oír y aceptar los remedios angelicales a fin de vivir una vida más plena y llena de sentido.

Doreen Virtue Books

 Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Guidance Board [Misc. Supplies]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
When you really need answers to your pressing life questions, the Angel Guidance Board gives you quick and clear guidance about your career, love life, family, health, finances, and other important areas. Doreen Virtue has used oracle boards (such as Ouija and scrying boards) since childhood, and has always found them to be complicated and time-consuming. So, she designed this board to be extremely simple, quick, and easy to use.

• A folding board
• One pair of crystal dice
• Four angel markers to give you guidance and answers
• An instruction booklet

Doreen Virtue Products

Doreen Virtue Books

In the Mood: How to Create Romance, Passion, and Sexual Excitement by Falling in Love All over Again [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Offering a plethora of tips on how to spice up a stagnating relationship, a guide for couples reveals ways to help both partners get in touch with their sexual selves while providing romance-enhancing ideas. Reprint.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Curandose Con Los Angeles Cartas Oraculas [Box set] [Cards]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Están rodeados por el amor de curación de los Ángeles!
Con las tarjetas de Oracle Angels
-Cuarenta y cuatro adivinación tarjetas, cada uno con un bello estilo victoriano o viejo maestro angel panorama distinto y palabras que significan su significado. No hay negativas o aterradoras cartas en esta cubierta, cada uno lleva un positivo y curación imagen y significado. Incluye un folleto de instrucciones pequeñas, contando el significado completo de cada tarjeta, incluyendo mensajes de angel sobre la curación de diversos desafíos de la vida. El folleto proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo darle a usted mismo o a otros "lecturas de Ángel" con las tarjetas.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

How to Hear Your Angels by Doreen Virtue [Paperback]
by Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Your Emotions, Yourself: A Guide to Your Changing Emotions (Your Body, Your Self Book) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author), Tanya Brokaw (Illustrator)
Dr Doreen Virtue is a psychotherapist and former director of an adolescent mental health centre. With th is book, she presents girls between the ages of ten and four teen with a guide to the emotional changes they are likely t o be experiencing. '

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Angel Visions II: More True Stories of People Who Have Had Contact with Angels,and How YOU Can, Too! [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Many people have seen angels and apparitions of deceased loved ones. This volume contains stories of people who received life-saving messages from their deceased loved ones during dreams, and about strangers who appeared from nowhere during a crisis and then suddenly disappeared.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Los Ninos de Cristal [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Los Niños de Cristal, una nueva generación de niños muy sensibles e intuitivos son muy empáticos y pueden percibir los sentimientos ajenos, hasta sentirlos en su propia piel. Los Niños de Cristal son tranquilos y amables, y tienen una enorme fuerza interior. Sensibles en extremo a factores externos como sonidos, colores, olores, comida, productos químicos..., son víctimas frecuentes de las alergias. Los Niños de Cristal suelen ser muy bellos, tienen un aura particularmente pura y luminosa y sus ojos suelen ser grandes y expresivos. Desde muy pequeños suelen hablar de sus vidas pasadas con naturalidad.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Yo-Yo Relationships: How to Break the I Need a Man Habit and Find Stability [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)
Solutions to problems with men, finances, family relationships, physical health, professional life.

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

My Kids Don't Live With Me Anymore: Coping With the Custody Crisis [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Archanges et maîtres ascensionnés (French Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Guérir avec l'aide des anges (French Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Prescriptions Divines (French Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Méditations de thérapie par les anges (1CD audio) (French Edition) [Audio CD]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books

Doreen Virtue Books

Les anges de Salomon (French Edition) [Paperback]
Doreen Virtue (Author)

Doreen Virtue Books


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Doreen Virtue, Indigo Children, Archangel Raphael, Doren Virtue, Doreen Virtue Cards, Doreen Virtue Numbers, Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards, Doreen Virtue Readings, Charles Virtue, Dr Doreen Virtue, Books By Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Books, Doreen Virtue, Healing With The Fairies, Dorren Virtue, Archangel Michael Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Meditation, Doreen Virtue Chakra Clearing, Chakra Clearing Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Weekly Oracle Card Reading, Dooren Virtue, Doreen Virtue Fairies, Indigo Children Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Indigo Children, Doreen Vertue, Doreen Virtue Goddess Cards, Goddess Cards Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Number Sequences, Archangel Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue, Doreen Vitue, Doreen Virtue, Obsidian Doreen Virtue, Hay House Doreen Virtue, Fairy Cards Doreen Virtue, Archangel Gabriel Doreen Virtue, Archangel Uriel Doreen Virtue, Doreen Virtue Chakra Clearing Cd