Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Ancient Egypt and Mayan Books, Audio CD's and Oracle Cards


Metaphysical Products, Healing Stones and Crystals

Metaphysical Books And CD's

What Is Atlantis?

Atlantis is an ancient island that sunk into the ocean, according to the Classical Greek philosopher Plato, who tells the story in his dialogues. While most people today believe that the story of Atlantis is simply allegory, the idea of a lost continent has captured public imagination since the days of Plato. Atlantis was supposedly home to an advanced civilization that had conquered many nations before failing in combat against Athens and collapsing into the ocean during an earthquake.

It is a matter of speculation whether or not the idea of Atlantis or a similar island predates Plato, as no earlier ancient sources are known. In the Classical era, philosophers and historians were divided over whether or not the story of Atlantis had any basis in fact. Though some claimed to have proof of the island's existence, none of it was definitive. Some writers of the ancient era wrote their own stories of vanished utopias that appear to parody Plato's Atlantis.

In the Middle Ages, the story of Atlantis was largely forgotten, but it resurfaced during the Enlightenment, when Francis Bacon used it as a symbol of Utopia in his The New Atlantis (1626). Bacon's account of Atlantis is similar to that of Plato, except that Bacon places the island in the Americas. In the late 19th century, the idea of a historical Atlantis regained popularity, and many expeditions sought proof of its existence. Scholars theorized a link between Atlantis and Mesoamerican cultures such as the Aztecs. Atlantis was often portrayed as a very advanced society, with technology surpassing that of the present, and it began to interest those in Spiritualist circles.

Though Plato portrayed Atlantis as a flawed society, the antithesis to the ideal of Athens, the missing island became increasingly interpreted as a pinnacle of culture and enlightenment in the modern era. While the current understanding of plate tectonics has made the possibility of a real Atlantis unlikely to say the least, the vanished continent remains a powerful cultural symbol. Atlantis often appears in science fiction and fantasy works of all kinds, from books and films to video games and cartoons.
LemuriaLemuria Atlantis Maps


What is Lemuria?

I’ve heard of Lemuria before but would like more clarity on this mystical place. What is it, where was it and when did it exist? 

Lemuria is a word that is spoken of more and more in this day and time and much information is coming forth from various sources about Lemuria. About 40-50,000 years ago, there existed a continent called Lemuria, the mountaintops of which still remain to this day as the Hawaiian Islands.

 This was a vast continent that encompassed the lands we currently know as Japan as well as part of China and Australia as well as the west coast of America and a part of South America – basically most of what is now known as the Pacific Ocean.

The people of Lemuria walked in the fullness of the Creator’s Love, and cherished and celebrated all that had been provided to them. The Lemurians were benevolent caretakers of Mother Earth and lived in love.

The Lemurian energy was powerful and highly evolved from its inception, even more so than currently we experience here on the Earth plane. After the many thousands of years that Lemuria was in existence, the Lemurians reached a point where they were so highly evolved and fully in tune with the energies of Love. They had collectively served to raise the vibration of Mother Earth to the utmost heights of love and as such they had experienced all they needed to experience. It was at this point that the Creator chose to sink the continent to allow for a renewal of Mother Earth and the Lemurians were then brought home to the Creator.

It is important to recognize that the world that we know as Earth has had population after population. We are not the first and surely we won’t be the last. As we begin to understand a society as ancient as the Lemurian race, and as we being to learn how the Lemurians lived the way they did – in a unified force of evolution, we begin to see that it is time for the inhabitants of Mother Earth to also come to a collective understanding that change is imminent and that it is time to look at our world in a wholly different way.

Currently there is a return of the Lemurian vibration of love to the Earth plane and many are reawakening their cellular memory to their connection to Lemuria. Many are being drawn to explore spirituality in more depth, not even realizing why at this point and time. 

In this time of The Great Shift in Consciousness, by looking to the civilization of Lemuria, we find that the being of that time could live on earth harmoniously with all other forms of life. As well it is at this time that we realize we need to look past the color of skin and shape of our eyes and begin to reduce the borders that have kept us separated for so long. The awareness of Lemuria that vibrates within our cellular consciousness is emerging in these times to show the way.

As we move into this time of The Great Shift in Consciousness, we move into the energy of how the Lemurians lived, into a world of peace based on a collective consciousness of love and a world that many think possible only in their dreams.

The world has come to a place where it needs to heal and the Goddess Light which was prevalent in the later stages of Lemuria is also making it’s presence known as they come to bring balance to a world that has been over powered by the masculine energy for far too long. Much of our histories have been written to hold the female energy back, and it is at this point in time that all is beginning to shift into a state of balance.


What Is Mu?

Mu is the name of a hypothetical continent that allegedly existed in one of Earth's oceans, but disappeared at the dawn of human history.Lost Continent Of Mu

The concept and the name were proposed by 19th century traveler and writer Augustus Le Plongeon, who claimed that several ancient civilizations, such as those of Egypt and Mesoamerica, were created by refugees from Mu — which he located in the Atlantic Ocean. This concept was popularized and expanded by James Churchward, who asserted that Mu was once located in the Pacific.

The existence of Mu was disputed already in Le Plongeon's time. Today, scientists universally dismiss the concept of Mu (and of other lost continents like Lemuria) as physically impossible, since a continent can neither sink nor be destroyed by any conceivable catastrophe, especially not in the short period of time required by this premise. Moreover, the weight of all archaeological, linguistic and genetic evidence is contrary to the claim that the ancient civilizations of the New and Old Worlds stemmed from a common ancestral civilization. Mu is today considered to be a fictional place.


What Is The Connection Between Lemuria, Mu & The Mayan Culture?

Lemuria and Mu are interchangeable names given to a lost land believed to have been located somewhere in either the southern Pacific or Indian Oceans. This ancient continent was apparently the home of an advanced and highly spiritual culture, perhaps the mother race of all mankind, but it sank beneath the waves many thousands of years ago as the result of a geological cataclysm of some kind.

The thousands of rocky islands scattered throughout the Pacific, including Easter Island, Tahiti, Hawaii and Samoa, have been claimed by some to be the only surviving remains of this once great continent. The theory of a lost continent in this area has been put forward by many different people, most notably in the mid 19th century by scientists in order to explain the unusual distribution of various animals and plants around the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
In the late 19th century occultist Madame Blavatsky reincarnated the idea of Lemuria as a lost continent / spiritual homeland and influenced a host of subsequent occultists and mystics including well known American psychic healer and Prophet Edgar Cayce. The popularisation of Lemuria / Mu as a purely physical place began in the 20th century with ex-British army officer Colonel James Churchward, and the idea still has many adherents today.

But is there any physical evidence to back up these claims of an ancient continent beneath the Pacific or Indian Ocean? Or should these ‘lost homeland’ stories be interpreted in another way entirely, perhaps as the symbol of a mythical vanished ‘Golden Age’ of man?

The Land of Mu
The idea of a lost continent known as ‘Mu’ in the Pacific Ocean does not actually have a particularly long history, neither is it mentioned specifically in any ancient mythologies as some writers have suggested. The title ‘Mu’ originated with eccentric amateur archaeologist Augustus le Plongeon (1826-1908), who was the first to make photographical records of the ruins of the archaeological site of Chichen Itza in Yucatán, Mexico. Plongeon’s credibility was badly damaged by his attempted translation of a Mayan book known as the ‘Troana Codex’ (also known as the ‘Madrid Codex’).


Atlantis and Ancient Egypt Connections

Atlantis was an island where Poseidon, god of the sea lived. When Poseidon fell in love with Cleitus, a mortal, he built a dwelling in the center of the island and surrounded it with rings of water for protection. It was a center for travel and trade, so a canal was cut through the rings. The people of Atlantis were technologically advanced and had much of our modern day technology. However, the people focused too much on material things and brought about three major cataclysms. The first happened in 50,000 BCE (BC) and destroyed their major power source. The second happened in 28,500 BCE (BC) when the continent broke into three smaller islands. The final cataclysm was in 10,500 BCE (BC) when the islands sunk and the inhabitants migrated to other areas. At this time Egypt absorbed the migrating Atlanteans who then helped Egypt reach its height of glory. Egypt led the world in social programs. Eventually, Egypt, not Atlantis, was given credit for introducing the world to writing, medical science, irrigation and architecture.

This Atlantis based on Plato's dialogue Timaeus. Plato gained the information when Solon told him of a story an Egyptian priest told him. However, not a single Egyptian text or reference has been found to support this Atlantis Legend even though according to the Sleeping Prophet's dream, the information is supposed to be in a small hole, deep in the natural rock, under the Sphinx's paw. Also, there is no geographical evidence of a sunken continent in the area Plato says Atlantis was. Finally, by saying Egyptian culture was imported, people ignore previous cultures that were predecessors to Egyptian culture.

People claim that Egyptian civilization started suddenly and was in complete form 5,000 years ago. They also say that Egyptians learned "the secrets of the universe" from Atlanteans. One of the technologies the Egyptians were supposed to have learned from the Atlanteans is writing. However, hieroglyphs represent images from the Egyptian natural world and therefore are Egyptian in origin. Also, there is archaeological evidence that Egypt began earlier than 5,000 years ago. Just because there isn't a written history doesn't meant the prehistory didn't happen.

The Atlantis Legend is simply a myth that has been perpetuated despite evidence against it. There is no historical record of Atlantis, it is found only in Plato's account. There is no geographical evidence of the sunken islands of Atlantis. Finally, ancient Egyptians were not dependent on others for the development of their culture. There is a progression that led up to the great Egyptian civilization.


Telos BooksRevelations of the New Lemuria Book (TELOS, Vol. 1) (Paperback)
~ Aurelia Louise Jones (Author)
Telos, channeled spiritual messages from the Earth’s Interior. Timely and fascinating messages from the people of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, living in the fifth dimensional city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA.
Telos is an ancient Lemurian City of Light that is real and still exists to this day in the physical realm, underneath Mount Shasta. Re-acquaint yourself with Adama, the High Priest of Telos and your eternal father, as he describes the kind of Earthly paradise they have forged for themselves as they raised their consciousness to a fifth dimensional reality. They are the survivors of the lost continent of Mu who perished beneath of waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago. Our Lemurian brothers and sisters of Telos and our former family of ancient times are soon looking forward to coming out, when we are ready, to teach us how to do the same here on the surface.

Due to their isolation from the surface population, they have succeeded in creating a civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or death. They have mastered immortality in physical expression and they wish to teach us to do the same. Vividly and heroically, Telos delivers a clear understanding of what is required on the surface to create a prosperous society and a healthy environment. The Telosians and many other spiritually advanced civilizations are very real inside the Earth. They are coming forward at this time to inspire us to follow in their footsteps.

The return of the Lemurians and their eventual emergence among us is nothing less than the "Second Coming" that we have been waiting for, for so very long. The Lemurians have long achieved the fullness of the Christ consciousness, and as we are ready to receive them among us, they will teach us how to implement, right here on the surface of this planet, the type of paradise they have forged for themselves in Telos. They will assist us in building a golden age that will manifest the fullness of the Christ consciousness, which is the divinity that has always been there within our hearts. The indwelling Christ of our being becoming tangibly manifested on this planet and in our daily lives.

Here is what Adama has to say at this time: It is with much delight and anticipation that we bring to you the memories of Lemuria. Though these memories have appeared to be lost for a while, they have continued to live and thrive in your hearts unto this now moment in time. In Telos, we are honored to join hearts with you, and to assist in the unification of our two civilizations.

We send you much love from Telos, where this divine energy flows in great abundance. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for each other and for all of creation, as precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Mother/Father God! We hold you dearly in our hearts. Adama.

Lemuria Books

Lemuria Books

The Lost Civilization of Lemuria Book: The Rise and Fall of the Worlds Oldest Culture (Paperback)
Frank Joseph (Author)
A compelling new portrait of the lost realm of Lemuria, the original motherland of humanity

• Contains the most extensive and up-to-date archaeological research on Lemuria

• Reveals a lost, ancient technology in some respects more advanced than modern science

• Provides evidence that the perennial philosophies have their origin in Lemurian culture

Before the Indonesian tsunami or Hurricane Katrina’s destruction of New Orleans, there was the destruction of Lemuria. Oral tradition in Polynesia recounts the story of a splendid kingdom that was carried to the bottom of the sea by a mighty “warrior wave”--a tsunami. This lost realm has been cited in numerous other indigenous traditions, spanning the globe from Australia to Asia to the coasts of both South and North America. It was known as Lemuria or Mu, a vast realm of islands and archipelagoes that once sprawled across the Pacific Ocean. Relying on 10 years of research and extensive travel, Frank Joseph offers a compelling picture of this mother­land of humanity, which he suggests was the original Garden of Eden.

Using recent deep-sea archaeological finds, enigmatic glyphs and symbols, and ancient records shared by cultures divided by great distances that document the story of this sunken world, Joseph painstakingly re-creates a picture of this civilization in which people lived in rare harmony and possessed a sophisticated technology that allowed them to harness the weather, defy gravity, and conduct genetic investigations far beyond what is possible today. When disaster struck Lemuria, the survivors made their way to other parts of the world, incorporating their scientific and mystical skills into the existing cultures of Asia, Polynesia, and the Americas. Totem poles of the Pacific Northwest, architecture in China, the colossal stone statues on Easter Island, and even the perennial philosophies all reveal their kinship to this now-vanished civilization.

Lemuria Books

2012 Books

Lemuria And Atlantis Book: Studying the Past to Survive the Future (Paperback)
Shirley Andrews (Author)
The mysterious civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis become reality as Shirley Andrews, the author of Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization combines details from scholars, scientists and the respected psychic Edgar Cayce. Her sober portrayal of disturbing parallels between the spiritual decay of Atlantis and our modern world, and her reasonable explanations for the vivid dreams and past life memories recounted by numerous people about life on the lost lands enhance this fascinating book.

Healing Books

 Atlantis and Lemuria Books

Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria Book: The Lost Civilizations in the Light of Modern Discoveries [Illustrated] (Paperback)
Frank Joseph (Author)
Twenty-four centuries after Plato left us his intriguing remarks about Atlantis, Edgar Cayce began to talk, in an altered psychic state, about a lost civilization on Lemuria, Atlantis' Pacific precurser. Frank Joseph now takes a look, via archeology and other fields, at how modern discoveries are bolstering the idea that Atlantis and Lemuria really existed, the disturbing parallels between those civilizations and our own, and what those parallels may be telling us.

Lemuria And Atlantis Books

Lemuria Books

Perry Rhodan Lemuria Vol. 1 Book: Star Ark (Perry Rhodan) (Paperback)
~ Frank Borsch (Author)
A Breathtaking Space Opera in Six Volumes. After a tragic accident, Perry Rhodan encounters a gigantic spaceship of unknown origin. With a small team of specialists he enters the ship and attempts to unravel its mystery. They discover that the starship - home to countless generations of human refugees - launched 50,000 years ago from the legendary prehistoric continent of Lemuria. Byt what was the destination of this journey?

Lemurian Books

Lemuria Books

The Lost Land of Lemuria Book: Fabulous Geographies, Catastrophic Histories (Paperback)
Sumathi Ramaswamy (Author)
During the nineteenth century, Lemuria was imagined as a land that once bridged India and Africa but disappeared into the ocean millennia ago, much like Atlantis. A sustained meditation on a lost place from a lost time, this elegantly written book is the first to explore Lemuria's incarnations across cultures, from Victorian-era science to Euro-American occultism to colonial and postcolonial India. The Lost Land of Lemuria widens into a provocative exploration of the poetics and politics of loss to consider how this sentiment manifests itself in a fascination with vanished homelands, hidden civilizations, and forgotten peoples. More than a consideration of nostalgia, it shows how ideas once entertained but later discarded in the metropole can travel to the periphery--and can be appropriated by those seeking to construct a meaningful world within the disenchantment of modernity. Sumathi Ramaswamy ultimately reveals how loss itself has become a condition of modernity, compelling us to rethink the politics of imagination and creativity in our day.

Lemurian Books

The Atlantis Dialogue By Plato Books

The Atlantis Dialogue Book: Plato's Original Story of the Lost City, Continent, Empire, Civilization (Paperback)
~ Plato (Author)
Atlantis was first introduced to world literature by the Greek philosopher Plato in two "dialogues" he wrote in the fourth century B.C. His tale of a great empire that sank beneath the waves has sparked thousands of years of debate over whether Atlantis really existed. But did Plato mean his tale as history, or just as a parable to help illustrate his philosophy?

Atlantis Books

Lemurian Seed Healing Books

Lemurian Seeds Book: Hope for Humanity (Paperback)
Ph.D. Shelley Kaehr (Author)
Includes photos!! From the author of Edgar Cayce’s Guide to Gemstones comes a revolutionary look at the ancient Lemurian civilization with never before revealed information about how these advanced and benevolent beings are attempting to send messages to our planet at this time through seed crystals left behind long ago. Could these crystals hold key information to the destiny of the entire human race? Learn how to unlock the wisdom within the crystals and why this is important at this time.

Healing Books

Lemuria Books

In Search Of Lemuria Book (Paperback)
~ Mark R. Williams (Author)
The lost continent of Lemuria, the land of Mu, is a place that history has nearly forgotten. Yet it lives on in the mythology of Hindus and Australian Aborigines, Polynesians and American Indians. Its place is likewise secure beside Atlantis in the metaphysical speculations of Occult pioneers Madame Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce, as well as New Age channelers and soothsayers.
While Atlantis is well known, Lemuria has remained a subject only discussed in elite esoteric circles. But did Lemuria really exist? And if so when, and where was it located? Was it home to a gentle race of mystics and dreamers or an advanced society whose technology helped bring it down? And what happened to Lemuria in the end? Can an entire continent sink or vanish? The author's challenge is clear: to find if Lemuria and its lost civilization really existed. Yet during his search he embarks on a metaphysical journey as well, whose outcome is uncertain.

Lemurian Books

Atlantis Books

Atlantis Book: The Antediluvian World (Paperback)

Ignatius Donnelly (Author)
This 1882 classic offers an erudite blend of evidence from geologic, oceanographic, and anthropologic studies and remains a captivating work of and enthusiasm and imaginative thought. 128 illus. Introduction by E. F. Bleiler.

Atlantis Books

Atlantis Books

Atlantis Encyclopedia Book (Paperback)

Frank Joseph (Author)
A handbook of Atlantean information for general readers and specialists alike!
This is an invaluable, one-of-a-kind reference. Unlike most other books on the subject, The Atlantis Encyclopedia offers fewer theories and more facts. Although it does not set out to prove the sunken capital actually existed, The Atlantis Encyclopedia musters so much evidence on its behalf, even skeptics may conclude that there must be at least something factual behind such an enduring, indeed global legend. You’ll learn:

* What was Atlantis? * Where was it located? * How long ago did it flourish? * How was it destroyed? * What became of its survivors? * Have any remains of Atlantis ever been found? * Will Atlantis ever be found? * Did Atlantis have any impact on America?

Atlantis Books

Atlantis Books

Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization Book (Paperback)
~ Shirley Andrews
Shirley Andrews (Author)
The legend of lost Atlantis turns to fact as Shirley Andrews uniquely correlates a wealth of information from more than 100 classical and Atlantean scholars, scientists and psychics to describe the country and its inhabitants. Learn what happened to the survivors of Atlantis, where they migrated, and how the survivors and their descendants made their mark on cultures the world over

Atlantis Books

Pre Egyptian History Books

Before the Pharaohs Book: Egypt's Mysterious Prehistory (Paperback)

Edward F. Malkowski (Author)
Presents conclusive evidence that ancient Egypt was originally the remnant of an earlier, highly sophisticated civilization

• Supports earlier speculations based on myth and esoteric sources with scientific proof from the fields of genetics, engineering, and geology

• Provides further proof of the connection between the Mayans and ancient Egyptians

• Links the mystery of Cro-Magnon man to the rise and fall of this ancient civilization

In the late nineteenth century, French explorer Augustus Le Plongeon, after years of research in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, concluded that the Mayan and Egyptian civilizations were related--as remnants of a once greater and highly sophisticated culture. The discoveries of modern researchers over the last two decades now support this once derided speculation with evidence revealing that the Sphinx is thousands of years older than Egyptologists have claimed, that the pyramids were not tombs but geomechanical power plants, and that the megaliths of the Nabta Playa reveal complex astronomical star maps that existed 4,000 years before conventional historians deemed such knowledge possible.

Much of the past support for prehistoric civilization has relied on esoteric traditions and mythic narrative. Using hard scientific evidence from the fields of archaeology, genetics, engineering, and geology, as well as sacred and religious texts, Malkowski shows that these mythic narratives are based on actual events and that a highly sophisticated civilization did once exist prior to those of Egypt and Sumer. Tying its cataclysmic fall to the mysterious disappearance of Cro-Magnon culture, Before the Pharaohs offers a compelling new view of humanity’s past.

Ancient Egyptian Books

Ancient Egyptian Books
Temple of the Cosmos Book: The Ancient Egyptian Experience of the Sacred (Paperback)

Jeremy Naydler (Author)
An ambitious and lucid interpretation of ancient Egyptian consciousness, especially with respect to the experience of the sacred. As such the book also sheds light on the wild and mysterious psychospiritual currents of our present time, including the Goddess re-emergence. 

Ancient Egyptian Books

Ancient Egyptian Books

The Future of the Ancient World Book: Essays on the History of Consciousness (Paperback)

Jeremy Naydler (Author)
The sacred consciousness that prevailed in antiquity is the key to unlocking our future

• Shows how scientific consciousness, which gives primacy to the sense of sight, estranged us from the participatory spiritual consciousness of antiquity

• Explores the vital importance of the imagination in reconnecting us to the spirit world

The Future of the Ancient World sheds new light on the evolution of consciousness from antiquity to modern times. The twelve essays in this book examine developments in human consciousness over the past five thousand years that most history books do not touch. In ancient times, human beings were finely attuned to the invisible world of the gods, spirits, and ancestors. Today, by contrast, our modern scientific consciousness regards what is physically imperceptible as unreal. Our experience of the natural world has shifted from an awareness of the divine presence animating all things to the mere scientific analyses of physical attributes, a deadened mode of awareness that relies on our ability to believe only in what we can see.

In these richly illustrated and wide-ranging essays that span the cultures of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and the early Christian period, Jeremy Naydler shows how the consciousness that prevailed in ancient times may inspire us toward a future in which we once again reconnect with invisible realms. If the history of consciousness bears witness to the loss of visionary and participatory awareness, it also shows a new possibility--the possibility of developing a free and objective relationship to the spirit world. Naydler urges us not only to draw inspiration from the wisdom of the ancients but to carry this wisdom forward into the future in a renewed relationship to the spiritual that is based on human freedom and responsibility.  

Ancient Egyptian Books

Pyramid Power Books

Sacred Mysteries of Egypt Book: An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom (Paperback)
~ Laurie A Baum MSW (Author)
Do you wonder what you did in past lives? Do you think about your life's purpose? Do you wonder what talents you possess from past incarnations?

Noted Astrologer Laurie A. Baum, MSW, answers these occult questions and many others in Sacred Mysteries of Egypt...An Astrological Interpretation of Ancient Holographic Wisdom. Through insightful astrology readings, Laurie will explain why you are attracted to certain people, colors, shapes, numbers, days of the week, and seasons of the year. She also will show you how to harmonize the color of your aura with the color of your clothing, your office, your home, and your bedroom. Within the pages of Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, you will discover the relationship between astrology and the Sacred Mysteries of the Seven Rays of Color, the Chakras, Numerology, Kabbalah, Pyramids, the Moon, Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses.

Meditate on the occult wisdom as taught in the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt, and find out how these fascinating ancient phenomena influence you and your daily activities. Read Sacred Mysteries of Egypt, and increase your awareness of ancient wisdom today!

Pyramid Power Books

Pyramid Energy Books
The Energy Pyramid Book (Paperback)
~ Phoenix Rising Star (Author)
The Energy Pyramid is a very effective tool to work through obstacles/blocks/misconceptions in one's physical/emotional/mental/spiritual bodies. 20 meditations are given to achieve this integration and are divided into self/soul/group/entity/spirit levels. The author describes her own personal journey and insights for each meditation, guides you through the meditations, and then gives affirmations and encouraging words summarizing each of the 20 steps. Truly an amazing book that will assist you on your spiritual growth.

Pyramid Energy Books

Pyramid Energy Books

The Giza Power Plant Book: Technologies of Ancient Egypt (Paperback)

Christopher Dunn (Author)
Suspicion naturally arises when you read a promo line on a back cover that says, "This is the most important book concerning the Great Pyramid written in the last 20 years." In this case, however, it may be fact. In writing The Giza Power Plant, mechanical engineer Christopher Dunn reverse-engineered the Great Pyramid at Giza to discover its use. His startling conclusions blow the heck out of traditional Egyptology's rather silly notions that it was built with copper tools by a society that lacked the wheel. While revisionist pyramid studies are rife with ridiculous theories that give the topic a bad name, The Giza Power Plant takes into account existing fact and artifact without having to rely on unprovable assertions. A must-read for truth seekers who aren't afraid to consider the idea that Western culture of the 21st century may not be the pinnacle of human evolution and achievement.

Pyramid Energy Books

Pyramid Energy Books

Pyramid Power Book (Paperback)
~ Max Toth (Author), Greg Nielsen (Author)
#1 bestseller on pyramid energies. More than a million copies sold in eleven languages. Fascinating and provocative information on pyramids around the world, revealing the secret energies harnessed by the ancients that are accessible to all.

Pyramid Energy Books

Mu Books

The Children of Mu (Paperback)
~ Col. James Churchward (Author)
In this, his second book, Churchward tells the story of the colonial expansion of Mu and the influence of the highly developed Mu culture on the rest of the world. Her first colonies were in North America and the Orient, while other colonies had been started in India, Egypt and Yucatan.

Mu Books

Pyramid Energy Books

Soul Searchers Healing Power of Pyramid Book (Paperback)
~ R. Venugopalan (Author)
In this book, you will find how the pyramids fuction and how they cover the cosmic energy to work towards the betterment of the universe.

Pyramid Energy Books

Mayan 2012 Books

Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 Book: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date (Paperback)
John Major Jenkins (Author)
Terence McKenna (Author)
Is Earth approaching cosmogenesis, and does ancient Maya science and religion hold messages to aid us in this era of transformation? Author John Major Jenkins believes that indeed the precession of the equinoxes, as it was understood by the Maya, will be the formative influence of evolving life on Earth: "Being the culmination of an ages-long quest for understanding the nature of time, Maya cosmological insights are reminding us that the Zero Time is upon us."
Jenkins beings his thorough and comprehensible account of Maya cosmology by delving back 13,000 years into human history to the origins of Mesoamerican civilization. Logically he progresses through this Mesoamerican timeline to reach Maya civilization at its height of power and wisdom.

Interpreting the 2012 end-date of the Maya calendar proved to be an irresistible challenge for John Major Jenkins. It is apparent that his journey toward enlightenment was undertaken with pleasure and an enthusiasm which communicates itself to the reader.

This is an authoritative and at the same time exciting voyage of discovery into the past, a return to an ancient understanding of the cosmos that gives meaning to our place in the chain of creation

2012 Books

Mu Books

The Lost Continent of Mu (Paperback)
~ James Churchward (Author)
Mu was an immense continent covering nearly one-half of the Pacific Ocean. When she sank during volcanic destruction, fifty million square miles of water claimed her place. This vast continent and culture was the centre of civilization some 25,000 years ago. This is the story of Churchward's search for the lost continent, from the vaults of an Indian temple to the four corners of the world.

The Lost Continent of Mu Books

Mu Books

Cosmic Forces Of Mu, Vol.2
by James Churchward
COSMIC FORCES OF MU, Volume 2 is the fifth book in the famous MU series by Col. James Churchward who spent a lifetime researching the vanished Pacific continent and super-civilization of Mu.

This volume traces the birth of the Earth according to the Cosmic Forces of Mu. As the author writes: "I am now going to take you back...millions upon millions of years before man first trod on the earth, and aeons of time before history commenced to be written."

The Earth is only a tiny twig on a big branch of an immense tree. Therefore she does not get her forces direct from the Source of the Cosmic Forces. What she requires is portioned out to her by her Sun. "To show intelligently how the earth manipulates what is given to her by the Sun, it is necessary to see her construction. This I am attempting to do by describing her Birth, commencing when she was only a Nebula, a mass of circulating, whirling gases like the great Nebula in the constellation Andromeda."

Mu Books

 Atlantis Books

Survivors of Atlantis: Their Impact on World Culture (Paperback)

Frank Joseph (Author)
Explores scientific evidence from four cataclysmic events that led to the development of civilization and the downfall of Atlantis.

• The sequel and companion volume to The Destruction of Atlantis.

• Studies the connections between the world-conquering war the Atlanteans launched and the quartet of natural catastrophes that ravaged the earth more than 5,000 years ago.

• Demonstrates that the Atlanteans ran an imperial copper trade empire that stretched from North America to Asia Minor.

Archaeologists have long puzzled over the evidence suggesting highly sophisticated copper mining activities in the area of the Great Lakes some 5,000 years ago. Menomonie Indian tradition speaks of fair skinned mariners who had come in the past to "dig out the shiny bones" of the Earth Mother. Plato, meanwhile, recorded that Atlanteans provided an exceptionally high grade of copper that was no longer available in his time. In this sequel to The Destruction of Atlantis, Frank Joseph argues that the Menomonie Indians' mariners were Atlanteans and that the destruction of Atlantis by war and natural catastrophe brought about the end of Bronze Age civilization. Furthermore, Atlantis's survivors dispersed to all sides of their former island empire into Western Europe, the Near East, and North and South America.

In Survivors of Atlantis Frank Joseph provides an in-depth study of the Atlantean war and the intimate connections it had with the last of four great cosmic catastrophes generated by the cyclical return of a comet and its debris. This quartet of natural disasters was followed by mass migrations recorded in the histories of such diverse peoples as the Incas of Peru, the Celtic Irish, the Classical Greeks, and the Aztecs of Mexico. Where the archaeology, mythology, astronomy, and geology of these cultures coincide, a common thread is exposed: Atlantis. Joseph shows that the fate of the Atlantean empire is the story of early civilization and reveals Atlantis to be a credible part of the world's history.

Atlantis Books

Pyramid Energy Books

Pyramids of Light Book: Awakening to Multi-Dimensional Realities [Illustrated] (Paperback)

Meg Blackburn Losey (Author)
Is this reality an illusion? What is the connection between our consciousness and our body? Are we really part of everything? If so, what is our relationship to it all? Can we interrelate with beings in other dimensional realities? Can we travel in time to other places, experience events in history, or our future? Sure we can! How do we manifest what we want? Can we change our lives by creating a reality different from the one we know? How? How do miracles happen? Can we really produce them? How does our soul enter our body? When? What happens when we die and where do we really go, or is this life all there is? Recognize the simplicity of all creation as step by step; Dr. Blackburn Losey answers these questions and more by weaving a straightforward yet comprehensive account of the universal construct, its relationship with sacred geometry, the manifestation of matter, consciousness and the harmonic relationship of all things beyond quantum physics from the essence and fabric of creation to this here and now. Understand how to tap in to the Akashic records, the universal consciousness, to access any and all information you desire! Realize how you can experience unlimited realities through easy and fun exercises that assist you to leap from third dimensional reality to existing as multi-dimensional beings. Learn how to apply these techniques to create unlimited possibilities within your life and the lives of others! You are the creator that you seek!

Pyramid Energy Books


Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds Books
Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds: New Evidence of Ancient Secrets (Hardcover)
~ Frank Joseph (Author)
Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds is the most up-to-date and comprehensive investigation of history's infamous sunken city. Nowhere else will you find a more dramatic and convincing presentation of the envidence for its archaeological reality. The book uncovers the scientific genius of the ancients and the spiritual power of their mysterious religion. They are revealed as the inventors of a crystal technology to surpass our own, and the master builders of pyramidal monuments around the world.

The cultural heritage of Atlantis in the civilizations of pharaonic Egypt, Bronze Age Europe, Maya Mexico and Inca Peru is clearly described. The doomed capital comes alive in a vivid recreation of its heyday of cultural splendor and imperial might.

Within the pages of Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds you will also find the answers to many questions, including:

* What is the most likely location of Atlantis?
* How and when was Atlantis destroyed?
* Has Japan's leading geologist found the sunken 'citadel' of Lemuria?
* Have Russian oceanographers found the ruins of Atlantis?
* What are the disturbing parallels between Atlantis and our time?

Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds opens a new window on the ancient past, offering views of Atlantis and its kindred civilizations never seen before.

Atlantis Lost Civilizations Books

2012 BooksSerpent of Light: Beyond 2012 (Paperback)

Drunvalo Melchizedek (Author)
Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth's Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. Once at home in ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet, and with every relocation changed our idea of what spiritual means. And gender. And heart. This time, with much difficulty, the Serpent of Light has moved to the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru.

Multi-dimensional, multi-disciplined, and multi-lived, for the first time in this book, Drunvalo begins to tell his stories of 35 years spent in service to Mother Earth. Follow him around the world as he follows the guidance of Ascended Masters, his two spheres of light, and his own inner growing knowledge. His story is a living string of ceremonies to help heal hearts, align energies, right ancient imbalances, and balance the living Earth's Unity Consciousness Grid-- in short to increase our awareness of the indivisibility of life in the universe. We are all--rocks and people and interdimensional beings--one!

"Life may seem to be business as usual, but it is not. We are changing fast . . . Remember this for life is going to present stranger things to you in your lifetime, and they all have meaning and purpose . . .Only Mother Earth and ancient Maya know what's going to happen." --from Serpent of Light

* Part travel adventure, part spiritual instruction--a firsthand account of a once in 13,000 years process. * Drunvalo Melchizedek has a story to tell--an adventure story, a story of healing ceremonies that take place from the Yucatan to Kauai and Moorea to the Grand Canyon and New Zealand and to Peru. * See what can happen when we choose to open our hearts and follow the path of light."

2012 Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Books

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean (Paperback)
~ M. Doreal (Author), MsD. (Author), PsyD. (Author)
The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The author is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King who founded a colony in ancient Egypt, wrote the Emerald Tablets in his native Atlantean language which was translated by Dr. Michael Doreal. This edition of the Emerald Tablets is unique in that it includes both the translation and interpretation by Dr. Doreal. Because of the tablet's reference to the Egypt and sacred geometry they became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and the Merkaba meditation. As requested by the Flower of Life Organization, this edition offers Dr. Doreal's translation and interpretation in a side-by-side study format.

Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Atlantis Books

Sacred Journey to Atlantis (Paperback)

Norma J. Milanovich (Author)
Jean Meltesen (Author)
This book takes us on an inner journey to Atlantis - this channelled book holds codes & keys from the Masters to assist us to remember & transcend the Atlantian trauma & move towards ascension.
Well written - a true account of a group of travellers who followed the call by the Masters to go to Bimini.

Atlantis Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Starseed Awakening Books

No More Secrets, No More Lies: A Handbook to Starseed Awakening (Sirian Revelations) (Paperback)

Patricia Cori (Author)
Building on the historical perspective that characterized the previous book in the trilogy, Atlantis Rising, this final volume asks readers to remember that when they decided “to come to this earth adventure... blowing down the Establishment Walls would be a Herculean task.” But, she adds, “Fall they would indeed.” Hastening this necessary next step in evolution to higher being, says author Patricia Cori, requires understanding the forces at work and how to challenge and conquer them. No More Secrets, No More Lies unmasks the lies that have been employed to disempower the human race, while illuminating the tools necessary for those who intend to ascend with a revitalized Planet Earth. Intended as a guide for overcoming the designs of the dark warriors, and a blueprint for achieving the absolute freedom that is our true birthright as the super race of the realm, this provocative book brilliantly integrates into a larger schema such issues as media manipulation, racism, dark forces, crop circles, our food and water, and imminent extraterrestrial contacts, with the cosmic unfolding of human awareness and the evolutionary activation of our complex DNA codes—our blueprint to immortality.

Starseed Awakening Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs

Atlantis Books

Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness and Light (Sirian Revelations) (Paperback)

Patricia Cori (Author)
The second book in the Sirian Revelations Trilogy explores the wisdom ancient Atlantis can offer contemporary seekers.

The lost continent of Atlantis has existed in the collective consciousness of humankind for eons—contemplated as early as 355 BC by Plato and echoing in the modern mind. In this controversial book, author Patricia Cori provides compelling, often startling insights into this lost culture and the lessons it holds for us as both a high civilization and a metaphor for our current world situation, earth changes, growing extraterrestrial phenomena, and government conspiracy theories. Only by embracing and recognizing what Atlantis can teach us, says Cori, can we expect to heal and uplift our own increasingly threatened civilization.

Atlantis Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Ancient Egyptian Books

Where Pharaohs Dwell: One Mystic's Journey Through the Gates of Immortality (Paperback)

Patricia Cori (Author)
In this thought-provoking book, Patricia Cori takes time from her channeled work as the Scribe to the Speakers of the Sirian High Council to focus on her past-life experiences in ancient Egypt. The book begins dramatically with the traumatic recall of a past Egyptian life, when Cori relives a horrifying death by suffocation—from being buried alive. This experience propels her on a journey of exploration into the question of human immortality, leading her back to Egypt where she unravels the origins of the ancient Egyptians’ obsession with the resurrection of the soul.

Cori’s discoveries reveal new perspectives on Egyptian mysteries, new timelines as to the beginnings of the civilization, and controversial ideas that link the earliest Egyptian cultures with even earlier civilizations, such as that of Atlantis. As she returns to sites of her former lives, Cori begins to receive messages through which she relives the past-life regression, guiding her to discover secrets of the ancient Egyptians. Finally, she travels beyond the veil of illusions into the “otherworld” of possibilities that lies beyond physical existence. This exciting book weaves strands of science, history, and metaphysics into a shimmering tapestry of personal discovery.

Ancient Egyptian Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Arcturians Books

Songs Of Malantor: The Arcturian Star Chronicles Volume Three (Paperback)
~ Patricia Pereira (Author)
Songs of Malantor is a step-up in complexity of cosmic information being given to humanity by the Arcturians to assist us in the times of change and to prepare us for citizenship in the greater galactic community. This volume includes chapters on our evolution, ascension, teleportation, astral travel, war, the spiritual nature of suns, the Challenger, suicide, the Mars probe, new millennium communities, birthdays, expanded views on Darwin, starships and the stargrids, the Nazca lines and time travel, starseeding of Earth, galactic use of stone monuments (such as the pyramids and Stonehenge), remaking of Camelot and the Kennedy administration, Atlantis, and Lemuria, and the importance of movies on our consciousness.

Arcturians Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Cosmos Of Soul Books

The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-Up Call For Humanity (Sirian Revelations) (Paperback)

Patricia Cori (Author)
The first of the pioneering trilogy, The Sirian Revelations, offers cosmic wisdom to help humankind realize its highest potential.

The Cosmos of Soul offers a bracing tonic to the shadow of war, disease, and other grim phenomena of contemporary life. The solution, according to noted clairvoyant Patricia Cori, is to awaken into the richer, more meaningful, and empowered existence that is our true fate. Through her psychic contacts with more evolved beings, Cori offers timely insights into the ethics of cloning, the dangers of the Internet, the truth about the AIDS virus, genetic engineering, and other information. Of special interest are the author’s predictions of what to expect after 2012, the closing of the Mayan Calendar—a time of galactic events that may change life forever.

Cosmos Of Soul Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


Mayan Code Books

The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind (Paperback)
Barbara Hand Clow (Author)
Bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow shows how the Mayan Calendar is a bridge to galactic wisdom that fosters personal growth and human evolution

• Unearths the meaning behind the calendar, its message for modern civilization, and what will happen when the calendar ends

• Reveals how time acceleration is a manifestation of the acceleration of consciousness

• By the author of The Pleiadian Agenda

The Mayan Code is a deep exploration of how, as we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar, time and consciousness are accelerating, giving us a new understanding of the universe. Using Carl Johan Calleman’s research, as well as the ideas of other Mayan Calendar scholars, Barbara Hand Clow examines 16.4 billion years of evolution to decode the creative patterns of Earth--the World Mind. These great patterns culminate in 2011, and then during 2012 major astrological influences will inspire us to attain oneness and enlightenment.

The Mayan Code shows how the time cycles of the Calendar match important periods in the evolutionary data banks of Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy. These stages of evolution are converging during the final stage of the Calendar, the period between 1999 and 2011. War and territoriality, resource management and separation from nature, are all part of daily events we must process during these few short years: evidence of the tightening spiral of time that we experience as time speeding up. Barbara Hand Clow counsels that our own personal healing is the most important factor as we prepare to make this critical leap in human evolution--now referred to as the awakening of the World Mind.

Mayan Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs


2012 Astrology Books

Astrology of 2012 and Beyond, The (Paperback)

Cal Garrison (Author)
In October 2007, a new phenomenon appeared in the sky, was named the Comet Holmes, and is being claimed and acclaimed by the Hopi Nation as the Blue Star of their prophecy. The Blue Star is the harbinger. Between now and somewhere in 2013-2014, when the Red Star appears, great shifts in human consciousness will continue. With the fulfillment of the Mayan Long Count calendar in 2012 and the appearance of the Red Star, many are predicting that human consciousness will rise to the next level. Although there may be catastrophic events associated with this period, and life as we know it will surely change, if we do the work, this will not be the Apocalypse. In The Astrology of 2012 and Beyond, Garrison explores the changing sky, starting with the movement of Pluto into Capricorn, a region it hasn’t inhabited since 1733. It’s revolutionary times coming for individuals, governments, and the planet. Garrison draws on traditional astrology and her understanding of the Hopi prophecies and their relationship to the Mayan 2012 predictions, as well as the ending of the 13,000 year masculine kundalini cycle, to offer practical advice and information that will help us evolve through the next four years, including what to expect during the nearly inevitable polar shift.

2012 Astrology Books, AudioBooks and Audio CDs



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